build.ps1 951 B

  1. mingw32-make clean makefile
  2. mingw32-make exe makefile
  3. pause
  4. $LibAbsolutionPath = (Get-Item -Path ".\lib" -Verbose).FullName
  5. Echo "Building FMUs and getting their dlls..."
  6. Push-Location .\fmus
  7. $FMUSources = Get-ChildItem -Filter FMI_*
  8. ForEach ($fmu In $FMUSources){
  9. Push-Location $fmu
  10. & .\build.ps1
  11. $generated_dlls = Get-ChildItem Debug -Filter *.dll
  12. ForEach ($dll In $generated_dlls){
  13. copy "Debug\$dll" "$LibAbsolutionPath"
  14. }
  15. Pop-Location
  16. }
  17. Pop-location
  18. Echo "Building FMUs and getting their dlls... DONE."
  19. Echo "Gettings dlls from third party FMUs..."
  20. Push-Location .\fmus\ThirdParty
  21. $FMUSources = Get-ChildItem -dir -Filter FMI_*
  22. ForEach ($fmu In $FMUSources){
  23. Push-Location $fmu\binaries\win32
  24. copy * "$LibAbsolutionPath"
  25. Pop-Location
  26. }
  27. Pop-location
  28. Echo "Gettings dlls from third party FMUs... DONE."
  29. pause