README.txt 772 B

  1. Installation Instructions:
  2. - Download Eclipse NEON (64 bits) installer.
  3. - Run it, and select "Eclipse DSL Tools" environment.
  4. or if you already have Eclipse DSL Tools, then just install the xText plugins as follows:
  6. select plugins `Xtend IDE` and `Xtend Complete SDK`, and install
  7. - In CONSOLE run "mvn package" in DSL_SemanticAdaptation
  8. - In eclipse choose import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Projects and choose the LEAF nodes
  9. - Might be necessary to right click on a project -> Maven -> Update project
  10. Build Instructions:
  11. mvn clean
  12. mvn package
  13. Other tasks:
  14. Run the plugin:
  15. After building everything, right-click /be.uantwerpen.ansymo.semanticadaptation -> run as -> eclipse application