Friday 7 February
  participants arrive

Saturday 8 February
 08:00 -- 08:30 breakfast

 08:30 -- 08:45 welcome and overview of schedule and practical issues (Thomas and Hans)

 08:45 -- 09:15 tentative topics presentation

   * analysis of model transformations
   * design-space exploration
   * foundations of language engineering
     - meta-modelling and beyond
     - informal vs. formal, meta-models vs. ontologies
     - design/trace/property language specification
   * efficient simulation/execution code synthesis (FMI) for (Simulink) Block Diagrams
   * transformation intents (evening discussion)
   * (Statechart) modelling of complex experimentation/debugging environments
   * vertical consistency (what is it?)

 09:15 -- 09:30 1 minute self-introduction:
                name, affiliation
                what you work on now
                what you would like to work on (related to tentative topics ... or not)
 09:30 -- 10:00 topics decisions, schedule

 10:00 -- 10:40 list of lunch orders for Surfside

 10:40 -- 12:00 work in groups

 12:00 -- 12:30 walk to Surfside

 12:30 -- 14:00 lunch @ Surfside

 14:00 -- 15:30 shopping/swimming/... break

 15:30 -- 18:00 work in groups

 18:00 -- 19:30 dinner at Bellairs

 19:30 -- 21:30 groups present their results/discussion: focused topics + planning

   * design-space exploration. prototype problem: model repair.
     (Daniel, Joachim, Federico, Sebastian, Rick, Benjamin)

   * causal block diagrams to FMU code
     (Bart P, Bentley, Hans)

   * PromoBox2Maude
     (Bart M, Manuel, Romuald, Eugene, Levi)

   * Foundations of Language Engineering
     (Simon, Thomas, Hans)

 22:00 -- 00:00 CAMPaM cocktail (and discussions)

 00:00 -- 01:00 midnight swim

Sunday 9 February
 08:00 -- 08:30 breakfast

 08:30 -- 10:00 work in groups

 10:00 -- 10:30 list of lunch orders for Surfside

 10:30 -- 12:00 work in groups

 12:00 -- 12:30 walk to Surfside

 12:30 -- 14:00 lunch @ Surfside

 14:00 -- 15:30 shopping/swimming/... break

 15:30 -- 18:00 work in groups

 18:00 -- 19:00 dinner at Bellairs

 19:00 -- 19:30 presentation on Bellairs by Susan Mahon

 19:30 -- 21:30 groups present their results/discussion: focused topics + planning

   * design-space exploration.

   * causal block diagrams to FMU code

   * PromoBox2Maude

   * Foundations of Language Engineering
      - language fragments
      - unifying linguistic/ontological classification and semantics/properties

 22:00 -- 00:00 CAMPaM cocktail (and discussions)

 00:00 -- 01:00 midnight swim

Monday 10 February
 08:00 -- 08:30 breakfast

 08:30 -- 10:00 work in groups

 10:00 -- 10:30 list of lunch orders for Surfside

 10:30 -- 11:30 work in groups

 11:30 -- 12:00 walk to Surfside

 12:00 -- 13:30 lunch @ Surfside

 13:30 -- 16:30 Glass Bottom Boat (fish/turtle sighting) (optional) 

 17:00 -- 18:00 work in groups (optional)

 18:00 -- 19:30 dinner at Bellairs

 19:30 -- 21:30 continue working

 22:00 -- 00:00 CAMPaM cocktail (and discussions)

 00:00 -- 01:00 midnight swim

Tuesday 11 February
 08:00 -- 08:30 breakfast

 08:30 -- 10:00 work in groups

 10:00 -- 10:30 break
 10:30 -- 12:00 work in groups

 12:00 -- 12:30 walk to Just Grillin

 12:30 -- 14:00 lunch @ Just Grillin

 14:00 -- 15:30 shopping/swimming/... break

 15:30 -- 18:00 work in groups

 18:00 -- 19:30 dinner at Bellairs

 19:30 -- 21:30 Rick's presentation on Institution Theory
                Daniel's demo of IncQuery

 22:00 -- 00:00 CAMPaM cocktail (and discussions)

 00:00 -- 01:00 midnight swim

Wednesday 12 February
 08:30 -- 10:00 group work, including planning paper writing

 10:00 -- 10:30 coffee break
                pay in office (one by one, continue on Thursday)

 10:30 -- 12:00 groups prepare slides 

 12:00 -- 12:30 walk to Just Grillin

 12:30 -- 14:00 lunch @ Just Grillin

 14:00 -- 16:00 present results + discuss

 16:00 -- 16:30 discuss plans (paper writing, MPM workshop, ...)

 16:30 -- 17:00 post mortem

 17:00 -- 17:30 walk to Surfside along beach

 17:30 -- 20:00 admire sunset
                Godfather Bomb, Surfside Slammer, Chocolate Monkey, ... (repeat until ...)

 20:00 -- 22:00 dinner at Surfside, or other restaurant

 00:00 -- 01:00 midnight swim (and rowboat trip)

Thursday 13 February

 pay in office (one by one, continue on Friday)

 some participants depart

 Crane beach with "The Jump of Death"

 lunch at l'Azure restaurant (no swimwear)

 dinner at St. Lawrence Gap

 return to Bellairs  by blue public bus

Friday 14 February

 pay in office 

 remaining participants depart
Maintained by Hans Vangheluwe. Last Modified: 2014/04/28 02:07:43.