MoDELS 2021
Call for papers 
Objectives and Scope

Tackling the complexity involved in developing truly complex, designed systems is a topic of intense research and development. System complexity has drastically increased once software components were introduced in the form of embedded systems, controlling physical parts of the system, and has only grown in CPS, where the networking aspect of the systems and their environment are also considered. The complexity faced when engineering CPS is mostly due to the plethora of cross-disciplinary design alternatives and inter-domain interactions. To date, no unifying theory nor system design methods, techniques, or tools to design, analyze, and ultimately deploy CPS exist. Individual (physical systems, software, network) engineering disciplines offer only partial solutions and are no match for CPS complexity.

Multi-Paradigm Modeling (MPM) offers a foundational framework (and supporting techniques and tools) for the engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems (of Systems), combining multiple disciplines and domains in a consistent manner. The inherent complexity of CPS is broken down into most appropriate views and architectures, at the most appropriate level(s) of abstraction and expressed in most appropriate modeling formalism(s), each with precisely defined semantics. Often complex, collaborative workflows are modelled explicitly too.

MPM encompasses many research topics: from language engineering (for DSLs, including their (visual/textual) syntax and semantics), to processes to support multi-view and multi-abstraction modeling, simulation for full-system analysis, and deployment. The added complexity that CPS bring compared to embedded and software-intensive systems requires consideration of how MPM techniques can be applied or adapted to these new applications, tying together multiple domains. Many remaining research questions require answers from researchers in different domains, as well as a unified effort from researchers that work on supporting techniques and technologies. The community needs a workshop setting to meet up and align past and future research activities.

Topics of interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Foundations of domain-specific modeling, with a particular focus on classifications of the various dimensions around MPM (formalisms; processes; related activities such as V&V, deployment, calibration, etc.; tools, and methodologies);
  • Modeling language engineering, modular design of modeling languages, with a particular focus on de-/composition;
  • Co-simulation, coordination algorithms ensuring correct simulation results
  • Model Management with, and for, MPM4CPS: challenges, techniques, tools.
  • Applications of MPM techniques in automotive, aviation, manufacturing, etc.
  • MPM for (self-)adaptive systems
  • MPM approaches, techniques and tools for related domains: IoT, Digital Twins, SmartCPS
  • Social impacts processes in CPS, Large Data Management Modeling in CPS

Contributions should clearly address the foundations of multi-paradigm modeling by demonstrating the use of models to achieve the stated objectives and discuss the benefits of explicit modeling.


Papers should be submitted electronically as a PDF document via EasyChair for one of the following topics. Each submission will be peer-reviewed by at least three PC members.

  • Full research papers (10 pages max) present a novel, innovative approach;
  • Examplar descriptions (10 pages max) describing a CPS Engineering practice, highlighting both the processes at play and the formalisms, languages and/or tools used to support these activities, all expressed using the language described in the Workshop's webpage.
  • Short papers (5 pages max) present new ideas or early-stage research, extensively discuss the experiences of the researchers with an MPM approach or demonstrate a tool;
  • Extended abstracts (1 page) for a "lightning talk" (possibly accompanied with a Poster), i.e. a short, focused talk that can spark lively debate.

NOTE: All page limits include references!

All papers, except Extended Abstracts, will be published with the main conference's workshop proceedings; authors submitting examplars will eventually be invited to contribute to a Special Issue.

Formatting instructions: Submissions must adhere to the IEEE formatting instructions, which can be found at:

Maintained by Hans Vangheluwe. Last Modified: 2023/07/07 10:19:19.