(Computer Automated) Multi-Paradigm Modelling ((CA)MP(a)M)

Truly complex, engineered systems, known as Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), are becoming increasingly common. CPS emerge from the networking of multi-physical (mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, biochemical, ...) and computational (control, signal processing, logical inference, planning, ...) processes, often interacting with a highly uncertain environment, including human actors, in a socio-economic context. As the complexity of Cyber-Physical Systems (of Systems) we build grows, the need for an elegant unifying theory, and methods, techniques and tools to tackle that complexity increases. Individual (mechanical, electrical, network or software) engineering disciplines only offer partial solutions.

Multi-Paradigm Modelling (MPM) proposes to model every part and aspect of a system explicitly, at the most appropriate level(s) of abstraction, using the most appropriate modelling formalism(s). Modelling languages' engineering, including model transformation, and the study of their semantics, are used to realize MPM. MPM is seen as an effective answer to the challenges of designing and evolving CPS.

The term Multi-Paradigm Modelling, inspired by multi-paradigm programming languages, was coined by Hans Vangheluwe in the early 1990s, ESPRIT Basic Research Working Group 8467 "Simulation for the Future: New Concepts, Tools and Applications", also known as "Simulation in Europe" (SiE).

In 2000, Pieter Mosterman and Hans Vangheluwe introduced the term Computer Automated (Hans preferred Aided though) Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) to stress the need for computer support.

Over the years, many MPM/CAMPaM events were organized thanks to many brilliant and enthousiastic researchers and students. A selection of these is listed here: