ThesisTitleThe Development of a Teaching Tool for Place/Transition Petri Net Design, Analysis and SimulationAbstractThe Petri net formalism is used for the modelling of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems (DEDS). Its straightforward graphical representation and strong mathematical foundation make it suitable for advanced analysis. The expressiveness of place/transition nets, the elemental form of Petri nets, can be extended with time, modularity, and colours (data-types) to meet specific needs. A Petri net instance is a representation of a dynamic system. Requirements, stipulating the desired behaviour of the model, must be translated to logic formulae to verify the correctness of the model. Temporal logic formalisms CTL and LTL enable precise and automated verification and provide a witness path (or counterexample) that clarifies why a formula is accepted (or rejected). This thesis offers an overview of existing design formalisms (Petri net variants) and analysis formalisms (CTL and LTL), both at syntactical and semantical level. Subsequently, we examine the functionality of three existing programs: PIPE, LoLA, and CPN Tools. Based on this research we introduce a new Petri Net Design, Analysis, and Simulation tool (PNDAS). It is intended as teaching tool. It allows to create and modify place/transition nets, analyse them with both CTL and LTL and simulate the proofs, all within the same GUI. The program can also be used headless, for example as translation program for the file formats of the discussed tools or as back-end verifier. Finally, we compare our new tool with the three others. The feature comparison demonstrates that there is no single program that fits all needs. On the other hand, the model checking performance analysis results in a clear winner. LoLA excels thanks to its gradual exploration of the statespace and state-of-the-art optimisations. PNDAS offers no new functionality; all functions provided can be found in existing tools. It is, however, the first tool that groups a set of functions that are particularly useful in a teaching context. Comparing its performance to existing tools shows us that it is usable for small- to medium-sized models, which are expected in a teaching context.DownloadsThe thesis [pdf].The powerpoint presentation [.pptx]. MindmapReferences[1] M. A. Marsan, G. Balbo, G. Chiola, G. Conte, S. Donatelli, and G. Franceschi- nis, “An Introduction to Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets,” Microelectronics Reliability, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 699–725, 1991.[2] W. Zuberek, “D-timed Petri Nets and Modeling of Timeouts and Protocols,” Trans. Soc. Comp. Simul., vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 331–357, 1987. [3] W. 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