Bentley James Oakes 
PhD student
Modelling, Simulation and Design Lab
School of Computer Science
McGill University
McConnell Engineering bldg. room 202
3480 University Street
Montreal, Quebec
I have now moved. Please visit my website at for my current information.

I am currently a doctoral candidate at the McGill University School of Computer Science.

I am a member of the Modeling, Simulation, and Design Lab at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I work with Prof. Hans Vangheluwe and Prof. Clark Verbrugge.

I am doing research on model transformation verification for the NECSIS (Network on Engineering Complex Software Intensive Systems for Automotive Systems) project. NECSIS is a project involving several Canadian universities and has a goal of improving the state of the art of software development in the automotive industry. Our main industrial partners are IBM and General Motors.

My academic work is also sponsored by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).

Events Attended/Positions
9th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development 2021 - Session Chair/Author/Presenter Virtual February 8-10, 2021
17th Workshop on Model Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation at Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems 2020 - Author/Presenter Virtual (formerly Montreal, Canada) October 20, 2020
1st Bits & Chips Digital Twin Conference - Attendee Eindhoven, Netherlands October 31st, 2019
2nd Modeling in Automotive Software Workshop at Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems 2019 - Author/Presenter Munich, Germany September 15, 2019
1st MPM4CPS Workshop at Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems 2019 - Author/Presenter Munich, Germany September 15, 2019
2nd MDEbug Workshop at Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems 2018 - Author/Presenter Copenhagen, Denmark October 14-17, 2018
GEODES Research Group - Visiting Researcher University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada May 2018
fortiss GmbH - Visiting Researcher Munich, Germany July 18 - August 26, 2016
18th Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems - Author/Presenter Ottawa, Canada September 27 - October 2nd, 2015
NECSIS Conference 2015 - Presenter - Presenter Vancouver, Canada June 16th - 18th, 2015
McGill NECSIS Workshop with fortiss and Ericsson - Attendee Montreal, Canada March 9th and 10th, 2015
12th Bellairs CAMPaM workshop - Presenter McGill University Bellairs Campus, Barbados January 31st - February 6, 2015
General Motors Technical Center - Visiting Researcher Warren, MI, USA October 14th - December 19th, 2014
7th International Conference on Graph Transformation - Author/Presenter York, UK July 22-24th, 2014
NECSIS Conference 2014 - Presenter Kitchener, Canada June 17-20th, 2014
11th Bellairs CAMPaM workshop - Presenter McGill University Bellairs Campus, Barbados February 7th - 14th, 2014
NECSIS Conference 2013 - Attendee Montreal, Canada June 18-21st, 2013
Maintained by Bentley James Oakes. Last Modified: 2021/09/30 20:37:59.