By Denis Dube (DEVS Formalism for AToM3, updated April 27,2005)

If you have any problems -->

To re-generate the formalism from the ER model, use

NOTE: You will get lots of buttons when you do this if you choose to re-generate them. However you will lose the Generate code button! You must therefore manually open the buttons model, remove buttons you don't want, and add the Generate Code button. Generate Code should have 'Drawing Mode' set to off, and the code for it is:
import codeGenDevsV2
codeGenDevsV2.genCode( self.ASGroot )

To re-generate the DCharts behaviour model, open
Then press the Generate DES file button
Save that file to ***central atom3 install***\Models\AToM3_UserInterface
Make sure it is the only DES file in that directory
Execute (this will use my modified thread-free SVM version)
Move the generated python file (has same name as the DES but with .py) to the DevsV2 formalism directory

Cardinalities ER model

Attributes and actions ER model

Behaviour DCharts model