Past Modelling/Simulation/Design Conferences/Workshops (that I attended, wished I could have attended, helped organize, was on the program committee of, ...)
- The 57th Winter Simulation Conference (WSC'2024).
Orlando, FL, USA. 15 - 18 December 2024.
- The first International Workshop on
Models for Simulation (M4S).
Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. 3 December 2024.
Co-located with PoEM 2024.
- The 17th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference on the
Practice of Enterprise Modeling (PoEM 2024).
Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. 3 - 5 December 2024.
- Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) on
Model-based Systems Engineering for Digital Twin System (3 ECSTS credits).
Online (October - December 2024) and at the University of Antwerp, Belgium (24 - 29 November 2024).
- The International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA).
Limenas Hersonissou, Crete. 27 - 31 October 2024.
- The ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE).
Pasadena, CA, USA. 20 - 25 October 2024. Co-located with SPLASH 2024
- The ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH).
Pasadena, CA, USA. 20 - 25 October 2024.
- The ACM/IEEE 27th International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS).
Linz, Austria. 22 - 27 September 2024.
- The sixth International Workshop on
Multi-Paradigm Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS'24).
Linz, Austria. 22 September 2024.
Part of MoDELS 2024.
- The 21st Workshop on Model Driven Engineering, Verification and Validation (MoDeVVa 2024)
Linz, Austria. 22 September 2024.
Part of MoDELS 2024.
- The first International Workshop on
Model Management (MoM'24).
Linz, Austria. 23 September 2024.
Part of MoDELS 2024.
- The first International Conference on Engineering Digital Twins (EDTconf 2024).
Linz, Austria. 22 - 23 September 2024.
Co-located with MoDELS 2024.
- The 16th System Analysis and Modelling (SAM) conference.
Linz, Austria. 23 - 24 September 2024.
Co-located with MoDELS 2024.
- MathFest. Cozmix, Brugge, Belgium. 22 September 2024.
- The first International School on Foundations and Advances of Model-Based Engineering.
(FAME). Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria. 19 - 21 September 2024.
Co-located with MoDELS 2024.
- The 27th Forum on specification and Design Languages (FDL).
Stockholm, Sweden. 4 - 6 September 2024.
- The 50th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA).
Paris, France. 28 - 30 August 2024.
- The 14th International Conference on
Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2024). Dijon, France. 10 - 12 July 2024.
- The fifth Summer School on Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things (SS-CPSIoT’24).
Budva, Montenegro. 11 - 14 June 2024.
- Séminaire Laboratoire de Recherches Transdisciplinaires sur les Ecosystèmes Informatiques at Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada. 12 June 2024.
- The 21st IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2024).
Hyderabad, India. 4 - 8 June 2024.
- The third International Workshop on
Digital Twin Architecture (TwinArch) and Digital Twin Engineering (DTE).
Hyderabad, India. 5 June 2024. Co-located with ICSA 2024.
- The 36th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE).
Limassol, Cyprus. 3 - 7 June 2024.
- The 2024 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM'24).
American University, Washington D.C., USA. 20 - 23 May 2024.
- Pint of Science. 13 - 15 May 2024.
- Research Group Meeting Lab-STICC (ENSTA Brest). Pointe Saint-Mathieu, France. 19 April 2024.
- The 18th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon'24).
Montreal, QC, Canada. 15 - 18 April 2024.
- ESI symposium 2024 "Digital transformation, paving the way forward". Veldhoven, The Netherlands. 16 April 2024.
- The 27th Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference. Valencia, Spain. 25 - 27 March 2024.
- MDENet tutorial "Equation-Based Object-Oriented modelling of Cyber-Physical Systems with Modelica".
Online (youtube recording). 19 March 2024.
- The 12th International Conference on Model-Based Software and Systems Engineering (MODELSWARD 2024).
Rome, Italy. 21 - 23 February 2024.
- Workshop on Advances in Knowledge Engineering, Reasoning, and Sensemaking (WAKERS 2024)
on Digital Engineering and Knowledge Representation.
Stellenbosch, South Africa. 29 January - 2 February 2024.
- The 56th Winter Simulation Conference (WSC'2023).
San Antonio, TX, USA. 10 - 13 December 2023.
- GI-Dagstuhl Seminar 23473 Human Factors in Model-Driven Engineering.
Schloss Dagstuhl. 19 - 24 November 2023.
- The fourth Model Based Space Systems and Software Engineering workshop (MBSE 2023) on
reducing the gap between model-based systems engineering and domain-specific model-based approaches.
ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. 16 November 2023. Satellite of ADCSS2023.
- The 17th workshop on Avionics, Data, Control and Software Systems (ADCSS2023).
ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. 13 - 15 November 2023.
- Flanders Make Symposium. Kortrijk, Belgium. 9 November 2023.
- The second International Symposium on
Model-based Systems Engineering and Digital Engineering (MBSE&DE 2023).
Beijing, China. 28 - 29 October 2023.
- The third Digital Twin International Conference (DigiTwin 2023). Online. 11 - 13 October 2023.
- The ACM/IEEE 26th International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2023).
Västerås, Sweden. 1 - 6 October 2023.
- The fifth International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS).
Part of MoDELS 2023. 2 October 2023.
- The 19th International Conference on Semantic Systems (Semantics 2023). Leipzig, Germany. 20 - 22 September 2023.
- The 19th Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) workshop.
McGill's Bellairs Research Institute, Barbados. 26 May - 3 June 2023.
- 2023 ANNual modeling and SIMulation conference (ANNSIM). Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 23 - 26 May 2023.
- COOCK Smart Port 2025:
Digital Twins in Port & Logistics. Antwerp, Belgium. 20 April 2023.
(recording on vimeo)
- The 26th Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference. Antwerp, Belgium. 17 - 19 April 2023.
- Habilitation à la Direction des Recherches (HDR) of Ciprian Téodorov. Brest, France. 3 April 2023.
- Flanders Make Conference on Machines, Vehicles and Production. Antwerp Expo, Belgium. 30 March 2023.
- The 18th Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) workshop with a focus on Model Based Systems Engineering
for and by Digital Twins.
Institute of Scientific Studies of Cargèse, Corsica, France.
19 - 25 March 2023.
- The 20th IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2023).
l'Aquila, Italy. 13 - 17 March 2023.
- EDT.Community seminar.
Twinning for and by Systems Engineering. Online, 27 February 2023.
- The 11th International Conference on
Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
(MODELSWARD). Lisbon, Portugal. 19 - 21 February 2023.
- COOCK Smart Port 2025:
Modelling in practice, a technical tutorial on the application of AI modelling techniques. Online
(recording on youtube). 14 February 2023.
- The third Winter Modelling Meeting (WMM 2023).
4 - 11 February 2023. San Vigilio di Marebbe, Italy.
- The 55th Winter Simulation Conference (WSC'2022).
Singapore. 11 - 14 December 2022.
- ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on
Software Language Engineering (SLE 2022).
Auckland, New Zealand. 5 - 10 December 2022.
Co-located with SPLASH and
- The 25th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (BSFM 2022).
Virtual. 5 - 9 December 2022.
- WINAK lezingen. UA, Campus Groenenborger, Antwerp, Belgium. 29 November 2022.
- Kickoff meeting of the FWO Scientific Research Network
Knowledge Graphs For Data Integration
(KG4DI). Leuven, Belgium. 30 November 2022.
- The ACM/IEEE 25th International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2022).
Montreal, Canada. 23 - 28 October 2022.
- Digital Z (model/shadow/twin/...). Colloquium. Département d'informatique et de recherche opérationnelle, Université de Montréal, Canada. 21 October 2022.
- Dagstuhl Seminar 22401 on Computer Science Methods for Effective and Sustainable Simulation Studies.
Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany. 4 - 7 October 2022.
- The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC).
Rome, Italy. 12 - 16 September 2022.
- The 21st Belgium-Netherlands Software Evolution Workshop (BENEVOL 2022). Mons, Belgium. 12 - 13 September 2022.
- Dagstuhl Seminar 22362 on
Model Driven Engineering of Digital Twins.
Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany. 4 - 9 September 2022.
- The Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM).
San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, USA. 18 - 20 July 2022.
- The second International Workshop on Foundations and Practice of Visual Modeling (FPVM 2022).
Nantes, France. 5 July 2022.
Co-located with STAF 2022.
- The 18th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications
(ECMFA 2022). Nantes, France. 6 - 7 July 2022.
Co-located with STAF 2022.
- Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2022).
Nantes, France. 5 - 8 July 2022.
- Micro MPM4CPS workshop. Antwerp, Belgium. 14 June 2022.
- Lisbon workshop on Model Fidelity. Clube Náutico de Almada, Portugal. 30 - 31 May 2022.
- The 17th Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) workshop.
McGill's Bellairs Research Institute, Barbados. 2 - 9 (extended to 11 for late arrivals) April 2022.
- The 10th International Conference on
Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development
(MODELSWARD). Vienna, Austria. 6 - 8 February 2022.
- The 54th Winter Simulation Conference (WSC'2021).
Phoenix, Arizona. 12 - 15 December 2021.
- The ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE).
Chicago, Illinois. 17 - 19 October 2021. Co-located with SPLASH 2021.
Online due to Covid-19.
- Embedded Systems week (ESweek). 10 - 15 October 2021. Online due to Covid-19.
- The ACM/IEEE 24th International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2021).
Fukuoka, Japan. 10 - 15 October 2021. Online due to Covid-19.
- The 14th International Modelica Conference.
20 - 24 September 2021.Online due to Covid-19.
- Semantics 2021.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 6 - 9 September 2021.
- The first Workshop on
Ontology-Driven Conceptual Modelling of Digital Twins (ODCM-DT 2021).
In conjunction with Semantics 2021.
- The Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM).
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA. 19 - 22 July 2021.
- The second International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems & Control (CPS&C).
Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, St.Petersburg, Russia. 29 June - 2 July 2021.
- Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF).
Bergen, Norway. 21 - 25 June 2021. Online due to Covid-19.
- The first International Workshop on Foundations and Practice of Visual Modeling (FPVM).
Bergen, 22 June 2021. Co-located with STAF 2021. Online due to Covid-19.
- The 13th Engineering Interactive Computing Systems" (EICS) conference,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 8 - 11 June 2021. Online due to Covid-19.
- The International Symposium on Co-Simulation and Solver Coupling in Dynamics (COSIM 2021).
Ferrol, Spain. 24 - 25 May 2021. Online due to Covid-19.
- The 12th annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD).
15 - 17 April 2021. Online due to Covid-19.
- The 18th Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) "Digital Twin" workshop.
Institut d'Études Scientifiques de Cargèse, Corsica, France. 28 March - 3 April 2021.
Postponed due to Covid-19.
- The 17th Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) workshop. Cancelled due to COVID-19.
McGill's Bellairs Research Institute, Barbados. 20 - 27 February 2021.
- The 53rd Winter Simulation Conference (WSC'2020).
Orlando, Florida. 13 - 16 December 2020. Replaced by online event due to COVID-19.
- Dagstuhl Seminar 20461 on Computer Science Methods for Effective and Sustainable Simulation Studies.
Schloß Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany. 8 - 13 November 2020. Cancelled due to COVID-19.
- The ACM/IEEE 23rd International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2020).
Montreal, Canada. 16 - 23 October 2020. Replaced by online event due to COVID-19.
keynote videos on youtube.
- The second International Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS).
Part of MoDELS 2020. 16 October 2020.
- Current Trends in Cyber-Physical Systems (CTiCPS). Online seminar. 10 - 11 October, 2020.
Recordings of all presentations and discussions on youtube
(my keynote is on Day 1, in Session 1).
- Summer Simulation Conference. Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
20 - 22 July 2020. Replaced by online event due to COVID-19.
- NIST virtual workshop on
Automated Driving System (ADS) Safety Measurement and Operational Design Domain.
7 - 8 July 2020.
- Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF).
Bergen, Norway. 22 - 26 June 2020. Postponed to late June 2021 due to COVID-19.
- International Conference on Systems Modelling and Management (ICSMM 2020).
Co-located with STAF 2020. Bergen, Norway. 25 - 26 June 2020. Postponed to late June 2021 due to COVID-19.
- Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim'20).
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, US. 19 - 21 May 2020. Replaced by online event due to COVID-19.
- The 18th Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) workshop.
McGill's Bellairs Research Institute, Barbados. 1 - 8 May 2020.
Cancelled due to COVID-19.
- The 17th Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) workshop.
Institut d'Études Scientifiques de Cargèse, Corsica, France. 12 April - 18 April 2020.
Cancelled due to COVID-19.
- Aachen modelling workshop. RWTH Aachen, Germany. 1 - 2 April 2020.
Replaced by telco due to COVID-19.
- miniCAMPaM workshop on the formalization of MPM. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Germany. 19 - 20 March 2020. Replaced by telco due to COVID-19.
Languages of Game and Play. PhD defense of Riemer van Rozen and mini-Symposium.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 19 February 2020.
- The second Winter Modelling Meeting (WMM 2020). 18 - 25 January 2020. San Vigilio di Marebbe, Italy.
- miniCAMPaM workshop on the formalization of MPM. RWTH Aachen, Germany. 13 - 14 January 2020.
- The 52nd Winter Simulation Conference (WSC'2019).
National Harbor, Maryland. 8 - 11 December 2019.
- Dagstuhl Seminar 19481 on
Composing Model-Based Analysis Tools.
Schloß Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany. 24 - 29 November 2019.
- The ninth international workshop on
Equation based Object-Oriented Languages and Tools (EOOLT 2019).
Berlin, Germany. 5 November 2019.
- The ACM/IEEE 22nd International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2019).
Munich, Germany. 15 - 20 September 2019.
- The first international workshop on
Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS).
Co-located with MODELS 2019. 15 September 2019.
- Modeling in Automotive Software Engineering (MASE).
Co-located with MODELS 2019. 15 September 2019.
- The third International Workshop on
Model-Driven Engineering for the Internet-of-Things (MDE4IoT). 15 September 2019.
Co-located with MODELS 2019.
International Workshop on Modeling Language Engineering and Execution (MLE).
Co-located with MODELS 2019. 17 September 2019.
- The first International Workshop on
View-Oriented Software Engineering (VoSE).
Co-located with MODELS 2019.
- The 11th System Analysis and Modelling (SAM) conference
"Languages, Methods, and Tools for Industry 4.0" (SAM2019).
Co-located with MODELS 2019.
Munich, Germany. 16 - 17 September 2019.
- The 17th International Conference on
Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2019).
Oslo, Norway. 16 - 20 September 2019.
- The third Workshop on Formal Co-Simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems (CoSim-CPS).
A satellite event of SEFM2019.
Oslo, Norway. 16 September 2019.
- The 23rd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC).
Paris, France. 9 - 12 September 2019.
- The Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (Euromicro SEAA).
Kallithea, Chalkidiki, Greece. 28 - 30 August 2019.
- The 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and
Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE). Tallinn, Estonia. 26 - 30 August 2019.
- miniCAMPaM workshop "formalizing Multi-Paradigm Modelling". Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France. 8 - 9 August 2019.
- The International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies,
Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2019).
Prague, Czech Republic. 29 - 31 July 2019.
- The 51st Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC'19).
Technical University Berlin, Germany. 22 - 24 July 2019.
- Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF).
Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 15 - 19 July 2019.
- The Research Project Showcase (STAF-RPS) workshop
at STAF 2019.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 15 - 19 July 2019.
- Third Cyber-Physical Systems Symposium (CyPhySS).
Bangalore, India. 15 - 16 July 2019.
- International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (PNSE '19).
Aachen, Germany. 24 - 25 June 2019.
Part of the 40th International Conference on
Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency (Petri Nets 2019).
Summer School on Cyber Physical Systems - Trustworthy Highly Autonomous CPS. KTH, Stockholm, Sweden.
10 - 14 June 2019.
- The International Conference on
Cyber-Physical Systems and Control (CPS&C-2019).
St. Petersburg, Russia. 10 - 12 June 2019.
- Exploring Agile Model-Based Systems Engineering.
Invited talk in the Innovative Centre for Embedded Systems (ICES).
KTH Stockholm, 7 June 2019.
- The first International Workshop on
Software Engineering Research & Practices for the Internet of Things (SERP4IoT 2019).
Montréal, Canada. 27 May 2019.
Co-located with ICSE 2019.
- The 41st ACM/IEEE
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2019).
Montréal, Canada. 27 May 2019.
- Pint of Science Antwerpen.
Kassa 4, Antwerp, Belgium. 21 May 2019.
- Pint of Science Brugge.
Snuffel, Brugge, Belgium. 20 May 2019.
- The 12th Graz Symposium Virtual Vehicle.
Graz, Austria. 7 - 8 May 2019.
- Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim'19).
Tuscon, Arizona, US. 29 April - 2 May 2019.
Symposium on Theory and Foundations of Modeling and Simulation (TMS'19).
Tuscon, Arizona, US. 29 April - 2 May 2019. Part of the
Spring Simulation Conference (SpringSim'19).
- The 16th Bellairs Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) workshop.
McGill's Bellairs Research Institute, Barbados. 26 April - 3 May 2019.
- ESI symposium
"Intelligence, the next challenge in system complexity?".
Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 9 april 2019.
- UMMISCO workshop on hybrid modelling. Marrakesh, Morocco. 3 - 4 April 2019.
- The 17th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER).
Washington D.C., USA. 3 - 4 April 2019.
- FFPEdu student fair. Pune, India. 30 March 2019.
- Infodag Universiteit Antwerpen. Campus Groenenborger, Antwerp, Belgium. 23 February 2019.
- The seventh International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD 2019).
Prague, Czech Republic. 20 - 22 February 2019.
- Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems (D3S)
Charles University. Prague, Czech Republic. 19 February 2019.
- The 51st Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2018).
Gothenburg, Sweden. 9 - 12 December 2018.
- The seventh Turkish Software Architecture Conference (UYMK'2019).
Yeditepe Üniversitesi, Ataşehir, Istanbul, Turkey. 29 - 30 November 2018.
Interview Hürriyet text, video.
- COST Action IC1404 "Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems" (MPM4CPS)
Pisa Workshop and Closing Conference. Pisa, Italy. 22 - 23 November 2018.
- COST Action IC1404 "Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems" (MPM4CPS)
Pisa Training School. Pisa, Italy. 18 - 21 November 2018.
- The eighth International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation
(ISoLA 2018). Limassol, Cyprus. 5 - 9 November 2018.
- OTM - Industry Case Studies Program (ICSP 2018).
Industry Applications and Standard initiatives for Cooperative Information Systems: The evolving role of Cyber Physical Systems in Industry 4.0 implementation.
Valletta, Malta. 23 October 2018.
- The ACM/IEEE 21th International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2018).
Copenhagen, Denmark. 14 - 19 October 2018.
- The second international workshop on Debugging in Model-Driven Engineering (MDEbug).
Part of MoDELS 2018.
Copenhagen, Denmark. 16 October 2018.
- The 44th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications.
In particular, the Domain-Specific (Modelling) languages and Model-Based Development (DSLMBD) track.
Prague, Czech Republic. 29 - 31 August 2018.
- The 2018 Summer Simulation multi-conference (SummerSim'18).
9 - 12 July 2018. Bordeaux, France.
- The sixth IEEE track on Collaborative Modeling & Simulation
(CoMetS'18) of WETICE-2018.
27 - 29 June. Paris, France.
- The 27th International Conference on Enabling Technologies:
Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE-2018). 27 - 29 June. Paris, France.
- The 11th International Conference on Model Transformation (ICMT 2018).
25 - 27 June 2018. Toulouse, France.
Co-located with Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF2018).
- The second Workshop on Formal Co-Simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems (CoSim-CPS-18).
25 - 27 June 2018. Toulouse, France.
A satellite event of the 16th International Conference on
Software Engineering and Formal Methods
(SEFM 2018), co-located with Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF2018).
- The 14th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2018).
25 - 29 June 2018. Toulouse, France.
Part of Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF2018).
- The 16th annual Industrial Simulation Conference (ISC'2018).
6 - 9 June 2018. University of the Azores, Ponta Delgada, Portugal.
- The fourth International Workshop on
Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SEsCPS'18).
27 May 2018. Gothenburg, Sweden. In conjunction with ICSE 2018.
- ITEC 2018. 15 - 17 May 2018. Stuttgart, Germany.
- The 15th Bellairs Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) workshop.
McGill's Bellairs Research Institute, Barbados. 11 - 18 May 2018.
- Les journées DEVS francophones : Théorie et Applications (JDF 2018).
Cargèse, France. 30 April - 4 May 2018.
- Spring Simulation Multi-Conference (SpringSim 2018). Baltimore, MD, USA. 15 - 18 April 2018.
- Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (TMS/DEVS 2018). Baltimore, MD, USA. 15 - 18 April 2018.
Part of the Spring Simulation Multi-Conference.
- CPS week. Porto, Portugal. 10 - 13 April 2018.
- Modularity in Modelling Workshop (MoMo'18). Nice, France. 9 - 10 April 2018.
Co-located with the second International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (<Programming> 2018).
- The second
International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (<Programming> 2018).
Nice, France. 9 - 12 April 2018.
- The first Workshop on Unifying Software Reuse.
McGill's Bellairs Research Institute, Barbados. 16 - 23 February 2018.
- The 12th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems (VaMoS 2018).
Madrid, Spain. 7 - 9 February 2018.
- Winter School: Modelling of knowledge and the cyber-physical systems. Champéry, Switzerland. 5 - 9 February 2018.
- Master Class:
From Products to Product Families: Leverage Your Product Portfolio. University of Antwerp, Belgium. 1 February 2018.
- NII Shonan meeting
Model-Based Design for Smart Products and Systems: Advanced Capabilities and Challenging Applications.
Shonan Village Center, Japan. 4 - 7 December 2017.
- The 50th Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2017).
Las Vegas, NV. 3 - 6 December 2017.
- Flanders Make Symposium 2017 "The Future of the Manufacturing Industry".
Kinepolis Antwerp. 21 November 2017.
- City of Antwerp Mission to Toronto and Montreal, in particular, the
tour of MaRS and AutoDesk and the
trade seminar. 22 - 28 October 2017.
- The ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH 2017).
Vancouver, Canada. 22 - 27 October 2017.
- OOPSLA 2017.
Vancouver, Canada. 25 - 27 October 2017.
A track of SPLASH 2017.
- Software Language Engineering (SLE 2017).
Vancouver, Canada. 23 - 24 October 2017.
A track of SPLASH 2017.
- Rainbow Mansion Sunday Dinner. Cupertino, CA. 15 October 2017.
- Principles of Modeling Symposium.
Berkeley, USA. 13 October 2017.
- The 14th International Conference on Managed Languages & Runtimes
(ManLang'17). Prague, Czech Republic. 25 - 29 September 2017.
- UT Dallas ATEC Watering Hole. Dallas, TX. 22 September 2017.
- ACM/IEEE 20th International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2017).
Austin, Texas, USA. 17 - 22 September 2017.
- The first international workshop on Debugging in Model-Driven Engineering (MDEbug).
Part of MoDELS 2017.
Austin, Texas, USA. 17 September 2017.
- The third Flexible MDE workshop (FlexMDE2017).
Part of MoDELS 2017.
Austin, Texas, USA. 18 September 2017.
- The third International Workshop on Executable Modeling (EXE 2017).
Part of MoDELS 2017.
Austin, Texas, USA. 18 September 2017.
- The second International Workshop on Collaborative Modeling in MDE (COMMitMDE2017).
Part of MoDELS 2017.
Austin, Texas, USA. 18 September 2017.
- The fifth International Workshop on the Globalization of Modeling Languages (GEMOC 2017).
Part of MoDELS 2017.
Austin, Texas, USA. 19 September 2017.
- The 13th Educators Symposium at MoDELS (EDUSYMP 2017).
Part of MoDELS 2017.
Austin, Texas, USA. 19 September 2017.
- IUTAM Symposium "Solver Coupling and Co-Simulation". Darmstadt, Germany. 18 - 20 September 2017.
- The 15th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2017).
Trento, Italy. 4 - 8 September 2017.
- The first workshop on Formal Co-Simulation of Cyber Physical Systems (CoSim-CPS).
Part of SEFM 2017. Trento, Italy. 5 September 2017.
- Dagstuhl Seminar 17342 "SLEBOK: The Software Language Engineering Body of Knowledge".
Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany. 20 - 25 August 2017.
- The 12th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2017).
Madrid, Spain. 24 - 26 July 2017.
- Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2017).
Marburg, Germany. 17 - 18 July 2017.
- The 13th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2017).
Part of STAF 2017. Marburg, Germany. 19 - 20 July 2017.
- The tenth International Conference on Model Transformation (ICMT 2017).
Part of STAF 2017. Marburg, Germany.
- The sixth International Workshop on Verification of Model Transformations (VOLT 2017).
Part of STAF 2017. Marburg, Germany.
- The eighth International Summer School on
Domain-Specific Modelling, Theory and Practice (DSM-TP). Montréal, Canada. 10-14 July 2017.
- CPS Summer School.
Sibiu, Romania. 3 - 7 July 2017.
- International Workshop "Towards Holistic Computational Engineering".
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. 30 May 30, 27/29 June 2017.
- RBCCPS Seminar: Multi-Paradigm Modelling of Complex Engineered Systems
[IISc announcement].
Robert Bosch Centre for Cyber-Physical Systems,
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India. 15 June 2017.
- International Software Architecture PhD School (iSAPS).
Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands. 6-9 June 2017.
- Innovative Centre for Embedded Systems (ICES) workshop
Foundations of CPS: Where are we and How should we move forward?".
KTH School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Department of Machine Design, Stockholm, Sweden. 2 June 2017.
- The 39th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2017).
Buenos Aires, Argentina. 20-28 May 2017.
- The third International Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SEsCPS'17).
In conjunction with ICSE 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 21 May 2017.
- The ninth workshop on Modelling in Software Engineering (MiSE'2017).
In conjunction with ICSE 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 21-22 May 2017.
- The second International Workshop on Variability and Complexity in Software Design (VACE 2017).
In conjunction with ICSE 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 27 May 2017.
- ITEC 2017. 16 - 18 May 2017. Rotterdam, Ahoy, The Netherlands.
- The Spring Simulation Multi-conference (SpringSim'17). Virginia Beach, VA, USA. 23-26 April 2017.
- The Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (TMS/DEVS '17).
Part of SpringSim'17. Virginia Beach, VA, USA.
- The International Symposium on Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering (Mod4Sim'17).
Part of SpringSim'17. Virginia Beach, VA, USA.
- <<programming>> 2017. Free University of Brussels, Belgium. 3 - 6 April 2017.
- The 14th Bellairs Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) workshop.
McGill's Bellairs Research Institute, Barbados. 17 - 24 March 2017.
- The 11th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems (VaMoS 2017).
TU/e, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 1 - 3 February 2017.
- The Winter Simulation Conference.
Arlington, Virginia, USA. 11 - 14 December 2016.
- COST Action IC1404 "Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems" (MPM4CPS)
Malaga workshop. Malaga, Spain. 24 -25 November 2016.
- The ninth International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE).
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 31 October - 1 November 2016. Part of SPLASH 2016.
- The Sixth Workshop on
Design, Modeling and Evaluation of Cyber Physical Systems (CyPhy'16).
Pittsburgh, PA, USA. 7 October 2016. In conjunction with ESWeek 2016.
- The ACM/IEEE 19th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2016).
Saint Malo, Britanny, France. 2 - 7 October 2016.
- The second International Workshop on Executable Modeling (EXE 2016).
Workshop at MoDELS 2016.
- The second Flexible MDE Workshop (FlexMDE 2016).
Workshop at MoDELS 2016.
- The fourth International Workshop on the
Globalization of Modeling Languages (GEMOC 2016).
Workshop at MoDELS 2016.
- The First International Workshop on Collaborative Modelling in MDE (CoMMitMDE).
Workshop at MoDELS 2016.
- Hybrid Graphical/Textual Modelling and Code Generation with PapyrusRT. Tutorial at MoDELS 2016.
- Deep meta-modelling with metaDepth. Tutorial at MoDELS 2016.
- The fourth workshop on Model Driven Approaches in System Development (MDASD'16).
Gdansk, Poland, 11 - 14 September 2016.
Part of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS).
- Gdansk Management Committee meeting
and Workshop of the MPM4CPS COST Action IC1404.
Gdansk, Poland. 4 - 6 September 2016.
- The seventh International Summer School on Domain-Specific Modelling, Theory and Practice (DSM-TP).
Genève, Switzerland. 22 - 26 August 2016.
- The 2016 Summer Simulation Multi-Conference (SummerSim).
Montréal, Canada. 24 - 27 July 2016.
- The ninth International Conference on Model Transformation (ICMT 2016).
Vienna, Austria. 4 - 5 July 2016.
Co-located with Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF2016).
- The eighth ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computer Systems (EICS)
Brussels, Belgium. 21 - 24 June 2016.
- The seventh annual Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD).
University College London, London, UK. 16 - 18 May 2016.
- The 13th Bellairs Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) workshop.
McGill's Bellairs research institute, Barbados. 29 April - 6 May 2016.
- Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS) Working Groups meeting and workshop.
Vienna, Austria. 15 - 16 April 2016.
- The Inaugural International Workshop on
Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS 2016).
Vienna, Austria. 12 April 2016. Part of CPSWeek 2016.
- Cyber-Physical Systems Week (CPSWeek 2016).
Vienna, Austria. 11 - 14 April 2016.
- Les journées DEVS francophones : Théorie et Applications.
Cargèse, France. 11 - 15 April 2016.
(call for papers).
- ModelCyPhy track on Model-Driven Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems.
Las Vegas, Nevada. 11 - 13 April 2016.
Part of the 13th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations
(ITNG 2016).
- The 2016 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference (SpringSim'16).
Passadena, CA. 3 - 6 April 2016.
- Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation '16 (TMS/DEVS '16). Part of SpringSim'16.
- The sixth International Workshop on Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering (Mod4Sim'16).
Part of SpringSim'16.
Improving Systems Engineering of Mechatronic Systems Seminar. Leuven, Belgium. 3 March 2016.
- Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS)
Training School. Tallinn, Estonia. 21 - 24 March 2016.
- Workshop on
Research Challenges in Modeling and Simulation for Engineering Complex Systems. NSF, Arlington, VA. 13-14 January 2016.b
- MPM4CPS Young Researcher Workshop. Twente, The Netherlands. 17 - 19 December 2016.
- The Winter Simulation Conference.
Huntington Beach, California, USA. 6 - 9 December 2015.
- GAMEON'2015.
University of Amsterdam (UvA), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2 - 4 December 2015.
- The second International Workshop on Distributed EMbedded systems (DEM 2015).
In Conjunction with the tenth 3PGCIC-2015 Conference.
Krakow, Poland. 4 - 6 November 2015.
- ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE).
Pittsburgh, PA, USA. 25 - 27 October 2015.
- Embedded Systems Week (ESweek). Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 4 - 9 October 2015.
- The 15th International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT).
Part of ESweek.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 4 - 9 October 2015.
- The fifth Workshop on Design, Modeling and Evaluation of Cyber Physical Systems (CyPhy'15).
In conjunction with ESweek.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 8 October 2015.
- The 18th ACM/IEEE International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering, Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2015).
Ottawa, Canada. 27 September - 2 October 2015.
- The fourth workshop on Analysis of Model Transformations (AMT).
A satellite event of MoDELS 2015.
- The third International Workshop on The Globalization of Modeling Languages (GEMOC).
A satellite event of MoDELS 2015.
- The ninth international workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling (MPM'15).
A satellite event of MoDELS 2015.
- The second international workshop on Multi-Level Modelling (multi 2015).
A satellite event of MoDELS 2015.
- The eleventh annual IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (IEEE CASE 2015).
Gothenburg, Sweden. 24 - 28 August 2015.
- The sixth International Summer School on Domain-Specific Modelling, Theory and Practice (DSM-TP).
Antwerp, Belgium. 24 - 28 August 2015.
- The eighth International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools 2015).
Athens, Greece. 24 - 26 August 2015.
- The eight International Conference on Model Transformation (ICMT 2015).
l'Aquila, Italy. 20 - 24 July 2015.
Co-located with Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF2015).
- The seventh ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems
(EICS 2015). Duisburg, Germany. 23 - 26 June 2015.
- Workshop on
Formal Methods in Human Computer Interaction (FoMHCI). Held in in conjunction
with EICS 2015. Duisburg, Germany. 23 June 2015.
- The 24th IEEE
International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE).
Lacarna, Cyprus. 15 - 17 June 2015.
- The second International Workshop on
Software Engineering Research and Industrial Practice (SER&IP2015). Florence, Italy. 17 May 2015.
Part of ICSE 2015.
- The 2015 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference (SpringSim'15).
Alexandria, VA. 12 - 15 April 2015.
- Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (TMS/DEVS 2015).
Part of SpringSim'15.
- The fifth International Workshop on
Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering (Mod4Sim'15).
Part of SpringSim'15.
- PyCon 2015. Montréal, Canada.
8-16 April 2015.
- The 14th International Conference on Modularity.
Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. 16 - 19 March 2015.
- The 12th Bellairs Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) workshop.
McGill's Bellairs research institute, Barbados. 30 January - 6 February 2015.
- Dagstuhl Seminar 14412 Globalizing Domain-Specific Languages.
Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany. 5 - 10 October 2014.
- The 17th ACM/IEEE International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering, Languages and Systems (MoDELS 2014).
Valencia, Spain. 28 September - 3 October 2014.
- The eighth
System Analysis and Modeling conference (SAM 2014).
Valencia, Spain. 29 -30 September 2014. Co-located with
MoDELS 2014.
- The International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT).
New Delhi, India. 12 - 17 October 2014.
- The ninth International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC).
Guimarães, Portugal. 23 - 26 September 2014.
- The 29th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2014).
Västerås, Sweden. 15 - 19 September 2014. Co-located with GPCE and SLE.
- The seventh International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE).
Västerås, Sweden. 15 - 16 September 2014. Co-located with ASE and GPCE.
- The 13th International Conference on
Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE'14).
Västerås, Sweden. 15 - 16 September 2014. Co-located with ASE and SLE.
- The fifth International School on Model-Driven Development for Distributed Realtime Embedded Systems (MDD4DRES).
Aber-Wrac'h, France. 1 - 5 September 2014.
- The fifth International Summer School on Domain-Specific Modelling, Theory and Practice (DSM-TP) .
Antwerp, Belgium. 25 - 29 August 2014.
- The 22nd IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'14).
Karlskrona, Sweden. 25 - 29 August 2014.
- Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF).
York, UK. 21 - 25 July 2014.
- The seventh International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2014).
York, UK. 22 - 24 July 2014. A STAF federated event.
- The eighth International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools
(GraBaTs 2014). York, UK. 25 July 2014. A satellite event of ICGT'14.
- European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2014).
York, UK. 21 - 25 July 2014. A STAF federated event.
- The seventh International Conference on Model Transformation (ICMT 2014).
York, UK. 21 - 25 July 2014. A STAF federated event.
- The seventh Transformation Tool Contest (TTC 2014).
York, UK. 21 - 25 July 2014. A STAF federated event.
- MathWorks Research Faculty Summit.
Newton, MA. 7 - 9 June 2014.
- The second Domain-Specific Language (DSL) Summer School.
Faculty of Organizational Sciences,
University of Belgrade. Belgrade, Serbia. 20 - 24 May 2014.
- Third Workshop on "Mechatronic Design" and
Kick-Off Workshop MBSE4Mechatronics. Leuven, Belgium. 16 May 2014.
- The 2014 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference (SpringSim 2014).
Tampa, FL. 13 - 16 April 2014.
- Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (TMS'14).
Part of SpringSim 2014. Tampa, FL. 13 - 16 April 2014.
- The fourth International Workshop on
Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering (Mod4Sim'14).
Part of SpringSim 2014. Tampa, FL. 13 - 16 April 2014.
- The 24th CIRP Design Conference,
special session on "Complex Systems Architecting". Milan, Italy. 14 - 16 April 2014.
- CPS Week 2014.
Berlin, Germany. 14 - 17 April 2014.
In particular, workshops (all on 14 April)
W1 : Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems (MSCPES),
W2 : CPS20: CPS 20 years from now - visions and challenges (CyPhERS),
W4 : Fourth ACM Workshop on Design, Modeling, and Evaluation of Cyber-Physical Systems (CyPhy'14),
W8 : IFIP First International Workshop on Design Space Exploration of Cyber-Physical Systems (IDEAL).
- The 13th International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques
(GT-VMT 2014). Grenoble, France. 5 - 6 April 2014. A satellite workshop of ETAPS 2014.
- The eigth annual Code Generation conference. Churchill College, Cambridge, UK.
9 - 11 April 2014.
- PyCon 2014. Montréal, Canada.
9 - 17 April 2014.
- The tenth Workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing (A-MOST 2014). Part of ICST 2014.
- The seventh IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST).
Cleveland, Ohio, USA. 31 March - 4 April 2014.
- The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2014).
Grenoble, France. 5 - 13 April 2014.
- The tenth International Modelica Conference. Lund, Sweden. 10 - 12 March 2014.
- The 11th Bellairs Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) workshop.
McGill's Bellairs research institute, Barbados. 7 - 14 February 2014.
- The eight MODPROD Workshop on Model-Based Product Development. Linköping, Sweden. 4 - 5 February 2014.
- The sixth OpenModelica Annual Workshop. Linköping, Sweden. 3 February 2014.
- Activity-based Modeling and Simulation (ACTIMS'14) workshop.
ETH Zurich, Switzerland. 16 - 18 January 2014.
- The 2013 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). Washington, DC. 8 - 11 December 2013.
- The first International Workshop on Distributed EMbedded systems (DEM 2013).
In conjunction with the eighth 3PGCIC-2013 Conference.
University of Technology of Compiegne, Compiegne, France.
28 - 30 October 2013.
- The 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on
Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT 2013).
Delft, The Netherlands. 30 October - 1 November 2013.
- The 13th Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM'13).
A SPLASH 2013 workshop.
- The sixth International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE).
Co-located with SPLASH 2013.
- The 12th International Conference on
Generative Programming: Concepts and Experiences (GPCE'13).
Co-located with SPLASH 2013. 27-28 October 2013.
- SPLASH 2013, the ACM conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications:
Software for Humanity. Indianapolis, IN. 26 - 31 October 2013.
- International Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT 2013).
Montréal, Canada. 29 September - 4 October 2013.
- The Models and Evolution (ME 2013) workshop.
Miami, Florida. 29 September - 4 October 2013. A satellite event of MoDELS 2013.
- The second Analysis of Model Transformations workshop (AMT 2013).
Miami, Florida. 29 September - 4 October 2013. A satellite event of MoDELS 2013.
- The seventh Multi-Paradigm Modelling workshop (MPM 2013).
Miami, Florida. 29 September - 4 October 2013. A satellite event of MoDELS 2013.
- The ACM/IEEE 16th International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2013).
Miami, Florida. 29 September - 4 October 2013.
- The 2013 Simulation Expo (SIMEX'2013).
Brussels, Belgium. 18 - 20 September 2013.
- The fourth International Summer School on Domain-Specific Modelling, Theory and Practice
(DSM-TP). Santiago de Compostella, Spain. 2 - 6 September 2013.
- The 11th International Conference on
Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS 2013).
Buenos Aires, Argentina. 29 - 31 August 2013.
- The third International Model-Driven Requirements Engineering (MoDRE) workshop.
Rio de Janeiro. 15 July 2013.
- The 45th Summer Simulation Multi-Conference (SummerSim'13).
Toronto, Canada. 7 - 10 July 2013.
- The fourth International Workshop on Academic Software Development Tools and Techniques (WASDeTT-4).
Montpellier, France. 1 July 2013. Co-located with ECMFA, ECOOP, ECSA.
- The first Workshop on Domain Specific Languages Design and Implementation (DSLDI).
Montpellier, France. 1 July 2013. Co-located with ECMFA, ECOOP, ECSA.
- The second Workshop on Graphical Modeling Language Development (GMLD13).
Montpellier, France. 2 July 2013. Co-located with ECMFA, ECOOP, ECSA.
- Co-located conferences ECMFA, ECOOP, ECSA.
Montpellier, France. 1 -5 July 2013.
- The 16th International System Design Languages Forum (SDL 2013).
Montréal, Canada. 26 - 28 June 2013.
- The second international workshop on
Verification Of modeL Transformations (VOLT 2013).
Budapest, Hungary. 17 June 2013. Part of STAF 2013.
- The sixth International Conference on Model Transformation (ICMT2013).
Budapest, Hungary. 18 - 19 June 2013. Part of STAF 2013.
- The sixth Tool Transformation Contest (TTC 2013).
Budapest, Hungary. 19 - 20 June 2013. Part of STAF 2013.
- Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2013).
Budapest, Hungary. 17 - 20 June 2013.
- The third NECSIS
(Network for the Engineering of Complex Software-Intensive Systems for Automotive Systems) workshop.
Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montréal (CRIM).
Montréal, Canada. 17 - 20 June 2013.
- The 25th International
Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'13).
Valencia, Spain. 17 - 21 June 2013.
- MathWorks Research Faculty Summit.
Newton, MA. 1 - 3 June 2013.
- The eighth International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games (FDG 2013).
Chania, Crete, Greece. 14 - 17 May 2013.
- The tenth anniversary Bellairs Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) workshop.
McGill's Bellairs research institute, Barbados. 10 - 17 May 2013.
- Model Driven Development Days.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 24 - 25 April 2013.
- The fifth international workshop on Equation based Object-Oriented
Languages and Tools (EOOLT 2013). Nottingham, UK. 19 April 2013.
- The seventh annual Code Generation conference. Murray Edwards College, Cambridge, UK.
10 - 12 April 2013.
- The sixth IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST).
Luxembourg. 18 - 22 March 2013.
- The 16th Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference.
Grenoble, France. 18 - 22 March 2013.
- The 2012 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC)
Berlin, Germany. 9 - 12 December 2012.
- Activity-based Modeling and Simulation workshop (ACTIMS'2012).
Paris, France. 1 - 4 December 2012.
- The ACM/IEEE 15th International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2012).
Innsbruck, Austria. 30 September - 5 October 2012.
- The sixth Workshop on Models and Evolution (ME).
Innsbruck, Austria. 30 September 2012. A satellite event of MODELS 2012.
- The sixth Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling (MPM'12).
Innsbruck, Austria. 1 October 2012. A satellite event of MODELS 2012.
- The first Workshop on Modelling Of The Physical World (MOTPW 2012).
Innsbruck, Austria. 1 October 2012. A satellite event of MODELS 2012.
- The first Workshop on the Analysis of Model Transformations (AMT).
Innsbruck, Austria. 2 October 2012. A satellite event of MODELS 2012.
- The fifth International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2012).
Dresden, Germany. 25 - 28 September 2012. Co-located with GPCE'2012.
- The sixth International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2012).
University of Bremen, Germany. 24 - 29 September 2012.
- The seventh International Workshop on Graph Based Tools (GraBaTs 2012).
University of Bremen, Germany. 24 September 2012. A satellite event of ICGT 2012.
- The 11th International Conference on
Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'12).
Dresden, Germany. 24 - 27 September 2012.
- The ninth
International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST).
Imperial College, London, UK. 17 - 20 September 2012.
- The third International Summer School on Domain-Specific Modelling, Theory and Practice
(DSM-TP). Lisbon, Portugal. 10 - 14 September 2012.
- Workshop on Information Technology for Energy Applications (IT4ENERGY 2012).
Lisbon, Portugal. 6 - 7 September 2012.
- The eigth International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2012).
Lisbon, Portugal. 3 - 6 September 2012. In particular, the thematic track
Quality in Model Driven Engineering.
- Workshop on Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems.
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. 3 September 2012.
In conjunction with CONCUR 2012.
- The eighth
European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA).
Lyngby, Denmark. 2 - 5 July 2012.
- NECSIS workshop. Ottawa, Canada. 24 - 27 June 2012.
- Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN)
lunch meeting.
Centre for Telematics and Information Technology.
University of Twente, The Netherlands. 11 June 2012.
- International Workshop on System Level-Design of
Automotive Electronics/Software (SLDAES). San Francisco, USA. 3 June 2012.
In conjunction with the 49th Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2012.
- The second Cargese workshop on Activity-based Modeling and Simulation (ACTIMS'2012).
Cargese, Corsica. 28 May - 1 June 2012.
- The ninth Bellairs Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) workshop.
McGill's Bellairs research institute, Barbados. 28 April - 5 May 2012.
- The first ICST workshop on Verification and validation Of model Transformations (VOLT 2012).
Montréal, Canada. 21 April 2012.
Held in conjunction with ICST'12.
- The fifth
International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation (ICST'12).
Montréal, Canada. 18 - 20 April 2012.
- The seventh International Workshop on Mutation Analysis (Mutation 2012).
Montréal, Canada. 17 April 2012.
Held in conjunction with ICST'12.
- The IPA Spring Days on Model-Driven Software Engineering.
Garderen, The Netherlands. 16 - 20 April 2012.
- The 2012 Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim'12).
Orlando, FL, USA. 26 - 29 March 2012.
- Symposium On Theory of Modeling and Simulation
(TMS'12). Part of SpringSim'12.
Includes the second International Workshop on
Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering (Mod4Sim).
- The 11th International Workshop on
Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques (GT-VMT).
Co-located with ETAPS 2012.
Talinn, Estonia. 24 - 25 March 2012.
- First International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations (BX 2012).
Co-located with ETAPS 2012.
Talinn, Estonia. 25 March 2012.
- Winter Simulation Conference (WSC2011).
Phoenix, AZ, USA. 11 - 14 December 2011.
- Louvain Verification Lab (LVL) meeting Models and Tools for Human-Machine Interaction.
Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium. 17 November 2011.
- OPC Day Belgium.
Antwerp, Belgium. 16 November 2011.
- Science and Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems. Dagstuhl Seminar 11441.
Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany. 1 - 4 November 2011.
- The ninth International Conference on Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG Open 2011).
Cambridge, MA, USA. 17 - 20 October 2011.
- The ACM/IEEE 14th International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2011).
Wellington, New Zealand. 16 - 21 October 2011.
- The fourth symposium on Applications of Graph Transformation With Industrial Relevance
(AGTIVE 2011). Budapest, Hungary. 4 - 7 October 2011.
- IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
(VL/HCC 2011). Pittsburg, PA, USA. 18 - 22 September 2011.
- The second International Summer School on Domain-Specific Modelling, Theory and Practice
(DSM-TP). Lisbon, Portugal. 12 - 16 September 2011.
- The fourth International Workshop on
Equation-based Object-Oriented Languages and Tools (EOOLT 2011).
ETH Zürich, Switzerland. 5 September 2011.
- The fourth International Conference on
Software Language Engineering (SLE 2011).
Braha, Portugal. 3 - 6 July 2011.
- The International Conference on Model Transformation
(ICMT 2011). Zurich, Switzerland. 27 June - 1 July 2011.
- The 2011 Summer Simulation Multiconference (SummerSim'11).
The Hague, The Netherlands. 27 - 30 June 2011.
- The Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC 2011).
The Hague, The Netherlands. 27 - 30 June 2011. Part of SummerSim'11.
Tracks on (1)
Modelling and Simulation Based Design and
Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Structure Systems.
- The 20th IEEE International Conference on
Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructures (WETICE).
Collaborative Modeling and Simulation (CoMetS'11) track.
Paris, France. 27 - 29 June 2011.
- The seventh
European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (Formerly ECMDA-FA).
Birmingham, UK. 6 - 9 June 2011.
- The first ICESE Virtual Workshop
on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence -
Search-based Model-Driven Engineering. 17-18 May 2011.
- The eighth Bellairs Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) workshop.
McGill's Bellairs research institute, Barbados. 15 - 22 April 2011.
- Spring Simulation Multi-Conference (SpringSim 2011).
Boston, MA, USA. 4 - 7 April 2011.
- Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation (DEVS/TMS'11).
Boston, MA, USA. 4 - 7 April 2011. Part of SpringSim 2011.
- The first International Workshop on Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering
(Mod4Sim). Part of DEVS/TMS'11.
- International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC 2011).
Saarbrücken, Germany. 26 March - 3 April 2011.
- The 14th IEEE International
Symposium on Object/Component/Service-oriented Real-time Distributed Computing (ISORC 2011).
Newport Beach, California, USA. 28 - 31 March 2011.
- The fourth International ICST Conference on
Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools2011).
Barcelona, Spain. 21 - 25 March 2011.
- What about Model Based Design ?.
DSP Valley Technology Seminar.
Karel de Grote University College, Campus Don Bosco, Antwerp, Belgium.
22 March 2011.
- The eighth International Modelica Conference, Dresden, Germany.
20 - 22 March 2011.
- The 15th European
Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR).
Oldenburg, Germany. 1-4 March 2011.
- The third OpenModelica and fifth MODPROD Workshops.
Linköping, Sweden. 7-9 February 2011.
- Winter Simulation Conference (WSC2010).
Baltimore, Maryland, USA. 5 - 8 December 2010.
Researching & Developing Persistent & Generative Cognitive Models. Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. 9 - 11 November 2010.
- European Simulation Multiconference (ESM'2010), Hasselt, Belgium.
25 - 27 October 2010.
- The 14th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2010)
"The Enterprise Computing Conference".
Vitoria, ES, Brazil. 25 - 29 October 2010.
- The 10th Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM10). Reno, Nevada, USA. 17-18 October 2010.
- The third International Conference on
Software Language Engineering (SLE 2010). Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 12 - 13 October 2010.
- The 13th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems
(MoDELS 2010). Oslo, Norway. 3 - 8 October 2010.
- The fourth International
Workshop on Multi-Paradigm Modeling (MPM'10).
3 October 2010. In conjunction with MoDELS 2010.
- The 15th International
Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling (AOM'10).
4 October 2010. In conjunction with MoDELS 2010.
- The third International Workshop on
Model Based Architecting and Construction of Embedded Systems (ACESMB 2010).
4 October 2010. In conjunction with MoDELS 2010.
- The first Workshop on Model Driven Interoperability (MDI'2010).
5 October 2010. In conjunction with MoDELS 2010.
- The sixth International Workshop on Graph Based Tools
(GraBaTs'2010). University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. 28 September 2010. A satellite event of ICGT'10.
- The fifth International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT'10).
University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. 27 September - 2 October 2010.
- IEEE Symposium on
Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2010). Leganés-Madrid, Spain. 21 - 25 September 2010.
- Modeling Language Transformation workshop. Toyota Technical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. 19 - 21 September 2010.
- The 25th International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
(ASE 2010). Antwerp, Belgium. 20 - 24 September 2010.
- AUTOSAR seminar:
towards standardized software in vehicles. Karel de Grote University College, Campus Don Bosco, Antwerp, Belgium. 14 September 2010.
[a few pictures].
- The first
International Summer School on Domain Specific Modeling - Theory and Practice (DSM-TP).
Lisbon, Portugal. 6 - 9 September 2010.
- The eighth International Conference on Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG Open 2010).
Paris, France. 30 August - 2 September 2010.
- Summer Computer Simulation Conference (SCSC2010). Ottawa, Canada. 11 - 14 July, 2010.
- The 10th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2010).
Vienna, Austria. 5 - 9 July 2010.
- International Conference on Model Transformation (ICMT2010).
Malaga, Spain. 28 June - 2 July 2010.
- The first International Workshop on
Collaborative Modeling & Simulation (CoMetS'10). Larissa, Greece. 28 - 30 June 2010.
- Code Generation 2010. Cambridge, UK.
16-18 June 2010.
- The sixth European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2010).
Paris, France. 15 - 18 June 2010.
- The 22nd International
Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'10). Hammamet, Tunisia. 8 - 11 June 2010.
- The seventh Bellairs Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) workshop.
McGill's Bellairs research institute, Barbados. 11 - 17 April 2010.
- Symposium on
Theory of Modeling and Simulation - DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium (DEVS'10). Orlando, Florida, USA. 11 - 15 April 2010.
- The third International Conference on
Software Testing, verification and validation (ICST 2010). Paris, France. 6 - 10 April 2010.
- The ninth International Workshop on
Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques (GT-VMT 2010).
Paphos, Cyprus. 20 - 21 March 2010.
- The third International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques (SIMUTools 2010).
Torremolinos, Malaga, Spain. 15 - 19 March 2010.
- EuroDocInfo10 (EDi10). Valenciennes, France. 21 - 22 January 2010.
- FETCH 2010. Ecole d'hiver Francophone sur les
Technologies de Conception des Systèmes embarqués Hétérogènes. Chamonix, France. 11 - 13 January 2010.
- BENEVOL 2009.
The eighth BElgian-NEtherlands software eVOLution seminar. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. 17 - 18 December 2009.
- Winter Simulation Conference 2009 (WSC'09). Austin, TX. 13 - 16 December 2009.
- The third International Conference on Intelligent Information Technology Application (IITA 2009).
Nanchang, China. 21 - 22 November 2009.
- The fourth adapID workshop.
Leuven, Belgium. 17 November 2009.
- The seventh International Fujaba Days.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 16 - 17 November 2009.
- The 12th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems
(MoDELS'09). Denver, CO. 4 - 9 October 2009.
- The eighth International Conference on Generative Programming and Component Engineering
(GPCE'09). Denver, CO. 4 - 5 October 2009.
- The second International Conference on Software Language Engineering
(SLE 2009). Denver, CO. 5 - 6 October 2009.
- The seventh International Conference on Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG Open 2009).
Mountain View, CA. 2 - 4 October 2009.
- The seventh International Modelica Conference.
Como, Italy. 20 - 22 September 2009.
- EOOLT'2009.
The third International Workshop op Equation-Based Object-Oriented Languages and Tools.
Como, Italy. 23 September 2009. Co-located with Modelica 2009.
- The 17th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on
Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2009).
London, UK. 21 - 23 September 2009.
- The 13th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2009).
Auckland, New Zealand. 31 August - 4 September 2009.
- The fourth International Conference on E-Learning and Games
(Edutainment 2009).
Banff, Canada. 9 - 11 August 2009.
- The 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 2009).
San Diego, CA. 19 - 24 July 2009.
- GAMEON-NA 2009. Georgia Tech Global Learning Center, Atlanta, USA. 26 - 28 August 2009.
- The 23rd annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working
Conference on Data and Applications Security (DBSec'09). Montréal, QC. 12 - 15 July 2009.
- ICMT 2009 - International Conference on Model Transformation .
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations.
29 June - 3 July 2009. ETH Zurich, Switzerland - Co-located with TOOLS EUROPE 2009
- The 23rd ACM/IEEE/SCS Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation
(PADS 2009). Lake Placid, NY. 22 - 25 June 2009.
- The 2009 Interdisciplinar Colloquium on Activity-based Systems (ICAS'09).
Cargèse Institute, Corsica. 20 - 25 April 2009.
- The sixth Bellairs Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling (CAMPaM) workshop.
McGill's Bellairs research institute, Barbados. 5 - 11 April 2009.
- The 12th European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS).
York, UK. 22 - 29 March 2009.
- The eighth International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques (GT-VMT).
York, UK. 22 - 29 March 2009. A satellite event of ETAPS 2009.
- The third MODPROD Workshop on Model-Based Product Development.
Linköping University, Sweden. 3-4 February 2009.
- The OpenModelica Annual Workshop.
Linköping University, Sweden. 2 February 2009.
- Winter Simulation Conference '08. Miami, FL. 7 - 10 December 2008.
- The 18th Annual International
Conference on
Computer Science and Software Engineering (CASCON). Toronto, ON.
27 - 30 October 2007.
- The eighth OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling at
Nashville, TN. 19 - 20 October 2008.
- OOPSLA 2008. Nashville, TN. 19 - 23 October 2008.
- MoDELS 2008, the 11th
International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems.
Toulouse, France. 28 September - 3 October 2008.
- 2008 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
(VL/HCC). Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany. 16 - 20 September 2008.
- The 12th IEEE International EDOC Conference.
München, Germany. 15 - 19 September 2008.
- The 4th International Conference on Graph Transformation
(ICGT). Leicester, UK. 7 - 13 September 2008.
- The 4th International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools: The Contest (GraBaTs'08).
Leicester, UK, 12-13 September 2008. Satellite workshop of ICGT 2008.
- GameOn'NA 2008. Montréal, Québec, Canada. 13 - 15 August 2008.
- EOOLT'2008. The second International Workshop op Equation-Based Object-Oriented Languages and Tools.
Paphos, Cyprus. 8 July 2008. Part of ECOOP 2008.
- International Conference on Model Transformation (ICMT 2008).
Theory and Practice of Model Transformations.
1-2 July 2008. ETH Zurich, Switzerland - Co-located with TOOLS EUROPE and
- The international Northeast Workshop on Circuits and Systems (NEWCAS'08). Montréal, Québec, Canada. 22 - 25 June 2008.
- The 2008
European PKI Workshop: Theory and Practice (EuroPKI'08). Trondheim, Norway. 16 - 17 June, 2007.
- The 9th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES'08).
28 - 30 May 2008. Göteborg, Sweden.
- The 30th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). Leipzig, Germany. 10 - 18 May 2008.
- The 5th Bellairs CAMPaM (Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling) workshop.
20 - 26 April 2008, McGill's Bellairs research institute, Barbados.
- 2008 Spring Simulation Multiconference (SpringSim'08).
April 14 - 17, 2008. Ottawa, Canada.
- The 41st Annual Simulation Symposium (AnSS'08). 13 - 16 April 2008. Part of SpringSim'08.
- Modeling and Simulation Education (MSE'08) conference. 14 - 17 April 2008. Part of SpringSim'08.
- The 11th European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2008).
29 March - 6 April 2008. Budapest, Hungary.
- Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering
(FASE'08). A member conference of ETAPS 2008.
- The 17th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP 2008). A member conference of ETAPS 2008.
- The 7th International Workshop on
Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques (GT-VMT).
29 - 30 March 2008. A sattelite event of ETAPS 2008.
- Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES 2008). 5 April 2008. A sattelite event of ETAPS 2008.
- The 6th International Modelica Conference. Bielefeld, Germany. 3 - 4 March 2008.
- Winter Simulation Conference. Washington, DC. 9 - 12 December 2007.
- Serious Games Canada workshop. Montreal, Canada. 25 - 28 November, 2007.
- Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Real-Time Systems.
Dagstuhl Seminar 07451.
Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany. 4 - 9 November 2007.
- The 17th Annual International
Conference on
Computer Science and Software Engineering (CASCON). Toronto, ON.
22 - 25 October 2007.
- The 7th OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling at
Montreal, Canada. 21 - 25 October 2007.
- Applications of Graph Transformation with
Industrial releVancE (AGTIVE).
Schlosshotel am Bergpark Wilhelmshöhe, Kassel, Germany. October 10 - 12, 2007.
- The 5th International Fujaba Days.
Kassel, Germany. October 8 - 9, 2007.
- The fourth International Workshop on
Software Language Engineering (ATEM 2007)
at MoDELS 2007.
- The third International Workshop on
Model Driven Development of Advanced User Interfaces (MDDAUI 2007)
at MoDELS 2007.
- The second workshop on
Multi-Paradigm Modelling: Concepts and Tools (MPM'07) at MoDELS 2007.
- MoDELS 2007, the 10th
International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems.
Nashville, TN. September 30 - October 5, 2007.
- The second adapID workshop.
Leuven, Belgium. September 28, 2007.
- The 2007 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing
(VL/HCC). Coeur d'Alène, Idaho, USA. September 22 - 26, 2007.
- Graph Transformation for Verification and Concurrency
(GT-VC 2007), satellite workshop of CONCUR 07. Lisbon, Portugal. September 3, 2007.
- The 12th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction
Beijing, PR China. July 22 - 27, 2007.
- The second International Workshop on Metamodelling Utilization in Software Engineering.
Barcelona, Spain. July 22, 2007. Part of
- The 2nd International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT '07).
Barcelona, Spain. July 22 - 25, 2007.
- The 2007 Summer Simulation Multiconference
(SCSC'07). San Diego, CA. July 15 -18, 2007.
- The 2007
European PKI Workshop: Theory and Practice (EuroPKI'07). Mallorca, Spain. June 28 - 30, 2007.
- The 7th Workshop on
Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET). Ottawa, Canada. June 20 - 22, 2007.
The 18th IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (MS 2007).
Montréal, Québec, Canada. May 30 - June 1, 2007.
- The fourth Bellairs CAMPaM (Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling) workshop.
April 22 - 28, 2007, McGill's Bellairs research institute, Barbados.
- The 6th International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques
(GT-VMT 2007). Braga, Portugal. March 31 - April 1, 2007. A satellite event of
- ETAPS 2007.
Braga, Portugal. March 24 - April 1, 2007.
- The 2007 DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium (DEVS'07).
Norfolk, VA. March 25 - 29, 2007.
Part of the 2007 Spring Simulation Multiconference.
- The 40th Annual Simulation Symposium (AnSS).
Norfolk, VA. March 26 - 28, 2007.
Part of the 2007 Spring Simulation Multiconference.
- The 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC),
San Diego, CA. December 13-15, 2006.
- Winter Simulation Conference '06, Monterey, CA. December 3-6, 2006.
- The Fourteenth ACM Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering
(FSE 14), Portland, Oregon. November 5-11, 2006.
- FuturePlay 2006. London, Ontario. October 10 - 12, 2006.
- CASCON 2006.
Markham, ON. October 16-19, 2006.
- The 2006
IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control Systems Design (CACSD), Munich, Germany. October 4-6, 2006.
- MoDELS/UML 2006, the ACM/IEEE 9th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems .
Genova, Italy. October 1-6, 2006.
- The 4th International Fujaba Days 2006, Bayreuth, Germany.
September 28 - 30, 2006.
- The first adapID workshop. Leuven, Belgium.
September 26, 2006.
- The 3rd International Workshop on Graph Based Tools (GraBaTs 2006), Natal, Brazil. September 21-22, 2006. A satellite event of
- The 3rd International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2006), Natal, Brazil. September 19-21, 2006.
- The Second Annual North American Game-On Conference. Monterey, USA. September 19-21, 2006.
- Rapid Integration of Software Engineering techniques (RISE 2006), University of Geneva, Switzerland.
September 13 - 15, 2006.
- The
17th IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (MS 2006), Montreal, Canada.
May 24-26, 2006.
- The 1st International Workshop on
Global IntegrAted Model Management (GaMMa 2006). Co-located with ICSE 2006, Shanghai, China. May 22, 2006.
- The 28th International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE 2006), Shanghai, China. May 20-28, 2006.
- The third Bellairs CAMPaM (Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling) workshop.
April 23 - 29, 2006, McGill's Bellairs research institute, Barbados.
- The DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium (DEVS' 06). Von Braun Center, Huntsville, Alabama,
USA. April 3-5, 2006. Co-located with
- The 39th Annual Simulation Symposium.
Von Braun Center, Huntsville, Alabama, USA. April 2-6, 2006.
- ETAPS 2006, Vienna, Austria. March 25 - April 2, 2006.
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE 2006).
March 27-29, 2006.
5th International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques (GT-VMT 2006). April 1 - 2, 2006.
- Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2005). Orlando, Florida, December 4-7, 2005.
- OOPSLA 2005. San Diego, CA. October 16-20, 2005.
5th OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling, October 17, 2005.
- MoDELS/UML 2005.
The ACM/IEEE 8th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems
(formerly the UML series of conferences). Montego Bay, Jamaica. October 2-7, 2005.
Model Driven Development of Advanced User Interfaces, October 2, 2005.
Model Transformations in Practice Workshop. October 3, 2005.
- The 2005 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and
Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC'05). Dallas, TX, September 20-24, 2005.
Workshop on Visual Modeling for Software Intensive Systems (VMSIS),
September 24, 2005.
- GameOn'NA 2005. Montreal, August 22-23, 2005.
- The second Bellairs CAMPaM (Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling) workshop.
April 17 - 24, 2005, McGill's Bellairs research institute, Barbados.
- ProSim 2005 Software Process Modeling and Simulation
at ICSE 2005.
St.Louis, Missouri, May 15-21, 2005.
- 1st Open International Conference on Modeling & Simulation.
Clermont-Ferrand, France, June 12-15, 2005.
- The first McGill Games Workshop.
March 27 - April 3, 2005, McGill's Bellairs research institute, Barbados.
- The 4th International Modelica Conference.
Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany. March 7-8, 2005.
- WSC'04 The Winter Simulation Conference.
Washington DC, December 5-8, 2004.
- FORMS/FORMAT 2004 Formal Methods for Automation and
Safety in Railway and Automotive Systems. Braunschweig, Germany, December 2-3, 2004.
- 41st Modelica Design Meeting.
Dearborn, Michigan, USA (Scientific Research Lab, Ford Motor Company), November 15-17, 2004
Conference on Conceptual Modeling and Simulation.
Genoa, Italy, October 28-31, 2004.
OOPSLA/GPCE: Best Practices for Model-Driven Software Development, Vancouver, Canada,
Monday October 25, 2004.
The 4th OOPSLA Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling, Vancouver, Canada,
Sunday October 24, 2004.
- Foundations '04 Workshop,
Tempe, AZ, October 13-15.
- << UML>> 2004,
Lisbon, Portugal , October 11-15, 2004.
In particular, the workshop SIVOES 2004: behavior in model driven approaches.
- ICGT 2004, the
2nd International Conference on Graph Transformation.
Roma, Italy, September 28 - October 2, 2004.
- VL/HCC'04.
The IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing,
co-located with ICGT 2004.
Roma, Italy, September 26-29, 2004.
IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design.
September 2-4, 2004. Taipei, Taiwan.
- The first Bellairs CAMPaM (Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modelling) workshop.
April 25 - May 2, 2004, McGill's Bellairs research institute, Barbados.
37th Annual Simulation Symposium.
Arlington, Virginia, USA, April 18 - 22, 2004.
International Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques.
Satellite of the European joint conference on Theory And Practice of Software
(ETAPS 2004). Barcelona, Spain, March 27-28, 2004.
15th IASTED International Conference on Modelling and Simulation.
Marina Del Rey, California, USA, March 1-3, 2004.
Dagstuhl Seminar 04041 "Component-Based Modeling and Simulation".
Schloss Dagstuhl, Wadern, Germany, January 18-23, 2004.
- Winter Simulation Conference.
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, December 7-10, 2003.
- European Simulation and Modelling Conference.
Naples, Italy, October 27-29, 2003.
- 15th European Simulation Symposium.
Delft, The Netherlands, October 26-29, 2003.
- << UML>> 2003.
San Francisco, California, USA, October 20 - 24, 2003.
- Automated Software Engineering.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October 6-10, 2003.
Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance.
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, September 28 - October 1, 2003.