Modelling and Simulation Based Design (COMP 762B)

Modelling and Simulation Based Design
Winter Term 2005 COMP 762B (CRN 5879)

The course


The purpose of this course is to look at the State of The Art in Modelling and Simulation on the one hand and Software (and to a far lesser extent Hardware) Design on the other hand. The goal is to get some insight into the development of truly complex systems. The focus will be on the use of multiple modelling formalisms and their interrelationships to study and design such complex systems. We will study meta-modelling extensively in this context. In the software realm, we will study the recent evolutions of the Unified Modelling Language (UML) and how the UML fits in the broader context of computer-automated multi-paradigm modelling and simulation (CAMPaM).

Method and Evaluation

The course will study research publications in the literature. You should be capable of independent, critical reading. Students will be expected to give two presentations, and to evaluate the other presentations.
The presentations should be prepared in an electronic form that can be used to create an online resource. The first presentation reviews work from the literature. The second presentation presents the result of a small research project which builds on the material you have studied.
You will be evaluated on your presentation, your presentation evaluations (how well you understood other presentations), and your project.

You will also be graded on your work during in-class tutorials (building for example a small modelling environment using meta-modelling and graph rewriting).

Warning: you will have to learn Python on your own and use the AToM3 meta-modelling tool.



Presentation evaluation form [pdf] [txt] (please submit via e-mail no later than one day after the presentation).

Date Presenter Reading subject Talk
Monday 28 February Denis Dubé Modelling Visual Modelling Environments with GenGed (vs. AToM) [pdf] [ppt]
Monday 28 February Song Gu Concepts and Realizations of a Diagram Editor Based on Hypergraph Transformation (Diagen) [pdf] [ppt]
Wednesday 2 March François Plamondon Modelling UML models' visual aspects
Wednesday 2 March Shahla Almasri Freehand Visual Modelling (with Silk and Denim) [pdf]
Thursday 10 March Eystein Esbensen The Forrester System Dynamics Formalism [pdf]
Thursday 10 March Sagar Sen The Bond Graph Formalism [pdf] [ppt]
Monday 14 March Sherif Luka Fujaba (From UML to Java and Back): A Generic Difference Algorithm for UML Models [pdf] [ppt]
Monday 14 March Hongyan (Bill) Song Meta-models for Object-Role Modelling [pdf] [ppt]
Wednesday 16 March Miriam Zia The Time Petri Nets Formalism [pdf] [ppt]
Wednesday 16 March Ximeng (Simon) Sun The Parallel DEVS Formalism and the DEVSJAVA tool [pdf] [ppt]
Thursday 24 March Philippe Nguyen The OMG (Object Management Group) MOF (Meta Object Facility) and XMI (XML Metadata interchange) [pdf]
Date Presenter Project subject Talk
Thursday 24 March Denis Dubé GenGed vs. AToM3: Creating a visual DEVS modelling environment. [pdf] [ppt]
Monday 4 April François Plamondon Coupling concrete and abstract syntax for visual modelling [pdf]
Montreal 4 April Shahla Almasri A prototype freehand modelling tool [pdf]
Wednesday 6 April Eystein Esbensen Forrester System Dynamics in AToM3 [pdf]
Wednesday 6 April Sagar Sen Bond Graphs in AToM3 [pdf]
Thursday 7 April Vamshi Raghu GrEAT (Graph Rewriting and Transformation) [ppt]
Thursday 7 April Philippe Nguyen Class Diagrams with Constraints [pdf] [ppt]
Monday 11 April Sherif Refaat Shaker Computing model differences [pdf]
Monday 11 April Ximeng (Simon) Sun Parallel DEVS modelling of Traffic in AToM3 [pdf] [ppt]
Wednesday 13 April Hongyan (Bill) Song Object-Role Modelling in AToM3 [pdf]
Wednesday 13 April Song Gu Building a DEVS visual modelling environment in Diagen [pdf]
Thursday 14 April Miriam Zia Mapping Traffic and Time Petri Net models onto TINA in AToM3 [pdf]
Thursday 14 April Vamshi Raghu Music-domain-specific modelling using GME/GrEAT [pdf]


The Unified Modeling Language UML (and its consistency problems)

Statecharts and beyond

Multi-Paradigm Modelling


Graph Transformation

Meta-modelling and Graph Transformation in AToM3

Model Driven Architecture


Miscellaneous interesting links