I am interested in the modelling and simulation
based analysis and design of complex, cyber-physical systems.
In the Modelling, Simulation and Design Lab (MSDL),
we study the theory
of Multi-Paradigm Modelling (MPM) and build tools to support the design
and implementation of such complex systems.
The MSDL is part of the AnSyMo (Antwerp Systems and software Modelling) group
in the department of Mathematics and Computer Science of
the University of Antwerp,
Antwerp, Belgium.
AnSyMo is a Core Research Lab of
Flanders Make,
the strategic research centre for the Flemish manufacturing industry.
I am also a founding member of the
Industrial Research Fund (IOF) Consortium on Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) of which AnSyMo/CoSys-Lab is a part.
I work closely with colleagues in the School of Computer Science
of McGill University in
Canada, the main location of MSDL 2000 - 2010.
The MSDL has (had) projects, researchers and students in both locations.
For more details, follow the research link.
I was the chair 2014 - 2019 of the EU COST Action IC1404 "Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems"
(MPM4CPS). Though the EU funding has ended, the participants still actively continue the
research we started during this exciting Action.
We now work on a general framework for the design of Digital Twins, and apply this in very diverse domains,
from mechatronic/production systems to the complex Antwerp harbour ecosystem.
Lately, I also enjoy working on supporting collaborative/concurrent
modelling/engineering and on building the next generation of analog computers.
In the 90s, I worked on my PhD under the supervision of Prof. Ghi(slain) Vansteenkiste at biomath,
the Department for Applied Mathematics and Process Control, at Ghent University (formely known as
Rijksuniversiteit Gent -- RUG). My website there (one of the first in Belgium in the early days of the WWW) on
hobbes.rug.ac.be, the department server (a Silicon Graphics Indigo with a
MIPS R4000 processor) I managed for almost a decade is copied
here (many links are now broken). The most notable blast from the past is the
Simulation in Europe (SiE) ESPRIT Basic Research Working Group 8467
"Simulation for the Future: New Concepts, Tools and Applications".
Have a look at an overview of all the Multi-Paradigm Modelling (MPM)-related events we organized over the years.
Have a look at my rules/guidelines for an ideal tutorial.
Modelling/Simulation/Design Conferences/Workshops
(past events are here)
- The 28th Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) conference.
Lyon, France. 31 March - 3 April 2025.
- The 22nd IEEE
International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2025).
Odense, Denmark. 31 March - 4 April 2025.
- The fourth International Workshop on Architecting and Engineering Digital Twins (AEDT).
Co-located with (ICSA 2025).
Odense, Denmark. 31 March - 4 April 2025.
- The first Workshop on Next-Gen Digital Twin (DT) Engineering Frameworks.
Kasteel Wolfrath in Born, The Netherlands. 5 - 9 May 2025.
- Digital Twins for Space Manufacturing and Satellites, part of the
SPACERAISE doctoral school for the space sector.
Gran Grasso Science Institute, l'Aquila, Italy.
19 - 23 May 2025.
- The 2025 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference (ANNSIM’25).
Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. 26 - 29 May 2025.
- The sixth Annual Summer School on Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things.
Budva, Montenegro. 10 - 14 June 2024.
- The 21st European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA 2025).
Koblenz, Germany. 10 - 11 June 2025.
Part of STAF 2025.
- The 18th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE 2025).
Koblenz, Germany. 12 - 13 June 2025.
Co-located with STAF 2025.
- Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2025).
Koblenz, Germany. 10 - 13 June 2025.
- The 15th International Conference on
Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2025). Bilbao, Spain. 12 - 14 June 2024.
- The 37th International
Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'25).
Vienna, Austria. 16 - 20 June 2024.
- The 39th ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced Discrete Simulation (SIGSIM-PADS '25).
Santa Fe institute, NM, USA. 23 - 26 June 2025.
- The 35th Annual INCOSE International Symposium.
Ottawa, Canada. 26 - 31 July 2025.
- The 28th Forum on specification and Design Languages (FDL).
Sankt Goar, Germany. 10 - 12 September 2025.
- The ACM/IEEE 28th International Conference on
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS).
Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. 5 - 10 October 2025.
- The 58th Winter Simulation Conference (WSC'2025).
Seattle, WA, USA. 7 - 10 December 2025.
- The 29th Forum on specification and Design Languages (FDL).
Antwerp, Belgium. September 2026.