Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems 


The course grades are distributed as follows:

  • 30% on the theory exam;
  • 70% on the assignments. The weight of the individual assignments will be decided during the semester. (January 2016 update: the weight is now added to the list of assignments below).

The (written) theory exam takes place during the exam period (date to be announced). Use of your notes or other materials such as laptops is not allowed (aka "closed book").

Here is a tentative list of Exam Topics/Questions

The course will make extensive use of the object-oriented programming language Python. We advise you to prepare for this course by learning the language, if you don't already know it.

A useful tutorial can be found at:

Schedule (gets updated as the semester progresses)






1Wednesday 23 September 10:45 -- 12:45 No class
1Thursday 24 September 10:45 -- 12:45 Academic opening and Studay - no class
1Friday 25 September 16:00 -- 18:00 Theory G.016UML notations: Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Regular Expressions, FSA
1 Assignment G.016UML notations -- assignment #1
2Wednesday 30 September 10:45 -- 12:45 No class
2Thursday 1 October 10:45 -- 12:45 No class
2Friday 2 October 16:00 -- 18:00 No class
3Wednesday 7 October 10:45 -- 12:45 Theory G.004Course introduction: goals, structure, evaluation, planning, Python!
Causes of complexity, Software Intensive Systems
3Thursday 8 October 10:45 -- 12:45 Theory G.004The structure of modelling languages
Algebraic Causal Block Diagrams (denotational)
3Sunday 11 October Deadline Assignment 1: Requirements Checking
4Wednesday 14 OctoberOral Evaluation G.330Assignment 1: Requirements Checking
4Wednesday 14 October 10:45 -- 12:45 Theory G.004Algebraic Causal Block Diagrams (operational), loop detection and solving
4Thursday 15 October 10:45 -- 12:45 Theory G.004Discrete-Time Causal Block Diagrams
4 Assignment G.004Alg+DT CBD -- assignment #2
5Wednesday 21 October 10:45 -- 12:45 Theory G.004Continuous-Time Causal Block Diagrams
5Thursday 22 October 10:45 -- 12:45 Assignment G.004PID controllers; CT CBD -- assignment #3
5 Theory G.004Finite State Automata; Petri Nets
5Sunday 25 October Deadline Assignment 2: Algebraic and Discrete-Time CBDs
6Wednesday 28 October 10:45 -- 12:45 Theory G.004Petri Nets
6Thursday 29 October 10:45 -- 12:45 Theory G.004Petri nets (analysis), the tool pipe2
6 Assignment G.004Petri nets -- assignment #4
7Wednesday 4 November 10:45 -- 12:45 Theory G.004Higraphs and Statecharts
7Thursday 5 November 10:45 -- 12:45 Theory G.004Statecharts
7Sunday 8 November Deadline Assignment 3: Continuous-Time CBD
8Wednesday 11 November 10:45 -- 12:45 Armistice - no class
8Thursday 12 November TBA Oral EvaluationTBAAssignments 2 and 3: Algebraic, Discrete-Time and Continuous-Time CBDs
8Sunday 15 November Deadline Assignment 4: Petri Nets
9Wednesday 18 November 11:00 -- 11:45 Theory G.004Statecharts
9Wednesday 18 November 11:45 -- 12:45 Assignment G.025Statecharts hands-on, assignment #5
9Thursday 19 November 10:45 -- 12:45 Theory G.004Discrete-Event World Views: Event Scheduling, Activity Scanning
10Wednesday 25 November 10:45 -- 12:45 No class
10Thursday 26 November 10:45 -- 12:45 Theory G.004Gathering statistics
10Friday 27 November 13:45 -- 15:45TheoryG.016Atomic DEVS
11Wednesday 2 December 10:45 -- 12:45 Theory G.004Coupled DEVS (flattening)
11Thursday 3 December 10:45 -- 12:45 Assignment G.004Python(P)DEVS; DEVS -- assignment #6
11Sunday 6 December Deadline Assignment 5: Statecharts
12Wednesday 9 December 10:45 -- 12:45 Theory G.004Real-Time; Systems Theory
12Wednesday 9 December TBAOral EvaluationG.330Assignment 4: Petri nets
12Thursday 10 December 10:45 -- 12:45 No class
13Wednesday 16 December 10:45 -- 12:45 Theory G.004Population Dynamics and Forrester System Dynamics
Course overview: how it all fits together
Exam questions
13Wednesday 16 December Oral EvaluationG.330Assignments 5: Statecharts
13Thursday 17 December 10:45 -- 12:45 No class
12Sunday 20 December Deadline Assignment 6: DEVS
Monday 4 January Oral EvaluationG.330Assignments 6: DEVS
Thursday 21 January 09:00 -- 13:00Theory ExamG.005Selected Topics


presentation [pdf]

Modelling and Simulation to Tackle Complexity
presentation [pdf] exploring the causes of complexity.

Modelling and Simulation Foundations: Systems Specification
presentation [pdf]
notes [pdf]

Formalisms: Causal Block Diagrams (CBDs)
Analog computers and CSMP [pdf]
CSMP: Robert D. Brennan: Digital simulation for control system design. DAC. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, May 16-19, 1966. [pdf]
(old) Blackboard Scribbles.
Topological Sorting and Strong Component algorithms.
Lecture on Algebraic and Discrete-Time CBDs [video].
Lecture on Continuous-Time CBDs [video].
Note: the above are not recordings of this year's class, but rather of an older version of the course, with the same content however.

Formalisms: Petri Nets
Christos G. Cassandras. Discrete Event Systems. Irwin, 1993. Chapters 4, 5. [pdf (MoSIS access only)].
Carl Adam Petri. Kommunikation mit Automaten. 1962. (this is Petri's doctoral dissertation).
Tadao Murata. Petri nets: Properties, analysis and applications. Proceedings of the IEEE, 77(4):541-580, April 1989.
James L. Peterson. Petri Net Theory and the Modeling of Systems. Prentice Hall, 1981.

Formalisms: Statecharts
Higraphs presentation[pdf]. Statecharts presentation[pdf].
David Harel. Statecharts: A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems. Science of Computer Programming. Volume 8. 1987. pp. 231 - 274. [pdf].
David Harel. On Visual Formalisms. Communications of the ACM. Volume 31, No. 5. 1988. pp. 514 - 530. [pdf] [pdf (MoSIS access only)].
David Harel and Amnon Naamad, The STATEMATE semantics of statecharts. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) Volume 5 , Issue 4 (October 1996) pp.293 - 333. [pdf] [pdf (MoSIS access only)].
D. Harel and M. Politi. Modeling Reactive Systems with Statecharts: The STATEMATE Approach. McGraw-Hill, 1998. (available online).
David Harel and Hillel Kugler. The Rhapsody Semantics of Statecharts (or, On the Executable Core of the UML). Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3147. 2004. pp. 325 - 354. [pdf]
Michael von der Beeck. A structured operational semantics for UML-statecharts. Software and Systems Modeling. Volume 1, No. 2 pp.130 - 141. December 2002. [pdf].
The digital watch assignment (not an assignment this year).

Formalisms: Event-Scheduling Discrete-Event

Formalisms: Discrete-EVent System Specification (DEVS)

Formalisms: (Forrester) System Dynamics

Formalisms: Hybrid DAE (Modelica)


The weight of each assignment is given between [square brackets] as a percentage of the total grade. The combined assignments count for 70% of the course grade.

  1. [10%] Checking requirements using Sequence Diagrams and Trace Matches of a railway controller.
  2. [10%] Causal Block Diagrams (un-timed, discrete-time).
  3. [15%] Causal Block Diagrams (continuous-time).
  4. [10%] Petri net modelling and analysis of a railway junction controller.
  5. [10%] Statecharts modelling, simulation, synthesis, and testing of a train interface.
  6. [15%] DEVS modelling and simulation for performance analysis of a railway network.

These assignments will be completed in groups of two students (optionally alone). Your solutions should be submitted on Blackboard. During the evaluation moments (see schedule), you will clarify your solution individually.

For the re-examination, a variant for each of the assignment needs to be made, and the practical considerations are slightly different.

Oral Evaluation Assignment 1: Requirements Checking

Date: 14 October 2015

Place: G.330 (Yentl Van Tendeloo's office, 3rd floor)

Ahmed Al Falahy9:00
Alexander Vanhulle9:10
Ben Cardoen9:20
Bjorn de Nijs9:30
Bruno Van de Velde9:40
David Danssaert9:50
Sten Vercammen10:00
Kristof De Middelaer10:10
Elise Kuylen13:00
Fedor Biryukov13:10
Francisca Agra De Almeida Quadros13:20
Gitte Bluekens13:30
Ian Vermeulen13:40
Jakob Struye14:00
Jasper Verelst14:10
Lennert Verboven14:30
Manuel Orellana Cordero14:40
Marten Pfannenschmidt15:00
Mathias Beke15:10
Matthijs Van Os15:20
Robin Verachtert15:30
Sam Pinxteren15:40
Stijn Manhaeve16:00
Tim Tuijn16:10
Simon Van Laerhoven16:20

Oral Evaluation Assignment 2&3: CBD

Date: 12 November 2015

Place: MG 017

Stijn Manhaeve8:40
Tim Tuijn8:50
Ahmed Al Falahy9:00
Alexander Vanhulle9:10
Ben Cardoen9:20
Bjorn de Nijs9:30
Jakob Struye9:40
David Danssaert9:50
Sten Vercammen10:00
Kristof De Middelaer10:10
Elise Kuylen10:30
Fedor Biryukov10:40
Francisca Agra De Almeida Quadros10:50

Date: 13 November 2015

Place: MG 004

Gitte Bluekens9:00
Ian Vermeulen9:10
Bruno Van de Velde9:20
Jasper Verelst9:30
Lennert Verboven9:40
Manuel Orellana Cordero9:50
Marten Pfannenschmidt10:00
Mathias Beke10:10
Matthijs Van Os10:20
Robin Verachtert10:30
Sam Pinxteren10:40
Louis Nwanda10:50
Simon Van Laerhoven11:20

Oral Evaluation Assignment 4: Petri Nets

Date: 9 December 2015

Place: G.330 (Yentl Van Tendeloo's office, 3rd floor)

Ahmed Al Falahy9:00
Alexander Vanhulle9:10
Ben Cardoen9:20
Bruno Van de Velde9:40
David Danssaert9:50
Sten Vercammen10:00
Kristof De Middelaer10:10
Louis Nwanda10:20
Elise Kuylen13:00
Fedor Biryukov13:10
Francisca Agra De Almeida Quadros13:20
Gitte Bluekens13:30
Ian Vermeulen13:40
Jakob Struye14:00
Jasper Verelst14:10
Lennert Verboven14:30
Manuel Orellana Cordero14:40
Bjorn de Nijs14:50
Mathias Beke15:00
Matthijs Van Os15:10
Robin Verachtert15:20
Sam Pinxteren15:30
Stijn Manhaeve15:40
Tim Tuijn16:00
Simon Van Laerhoven16:10

Oral Evaluation Assignment 5: Statecharts

Date: 16 December 2015

Place: G.330 (Yentl Van Tendeloo's office, 3rd floor)

Alexander Vanhulle8:50
Ahmed Al Falahy9:10
Ben Cardoen9:20
Bjorn de Nijs9:30
Bruno Van de Velde9:40
David Danssaert9:50
Sten Vercammen10:00
Louis Nwanda10:20
Fedor Biryukov12:50
Elise Kuylen13:10
Francisca Agra De Almeida Quadros13:20
Gitte Bluekens13:30
Ian Vermeulen13:40
Jakob Struye13:50
Jasper Verelst14:10
Lennert Verboven14:20
Manuel Orellana Cordero14:30
Sam Pinxteren14:50
Mathias Beke15:00
Matthijs Van Os15:10
Robin Verachtert15:20
Stijn Manhaeve15:40
Tim Tuijn15:50
Simon Van Laerhoven16:00
Kristof De Middelaer16:10

Oral Evaluation Assignment 6: DEVS

Date: 4 January 2016

Place: G.330 (Yentl Van Tendeloo's office, 3rd floor)

Ben Cardoen9:10
Bjorn de Nijs9:20
Bruno Van de Velde9:30
David Danssaert9:40
Sten Vercammen10:00
Louis Nwanda10:10
Elise Kuylen10:20
Gitte Bluekens10:40
Ian Vermeulen11:00
Jasper Verelst11:10
Lennert Verboven11:20
Manuel Orellana Cordero11:30
Sam Pinxteren11:40
Mathias Beke13:00
Matthijs Van Os13:10
Robin Verachtert13:20
Stijn Manhaeve13:30
Simon Van Laerhoven14:00
Kristof De Middelaer14:10
Maintained by Hans Vangheluwe. Last Modified: 2016/08/24 10:20:04.