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- CellCoordinate
- CellData
- SpreadsheetData
class CellCoordinate |
Encapsulated coordinates of cells in a spreadsheet.
Note: might in the future want to implement "coordinate arithmetic"
by means of __add__ etc. |
- __init__(self, row=1, column=1)
- row:PositiveInteger, column:PositiveInteger ->
CellCoordinate constructor.
A KeyError is raised on bad arguments.
- __str__(self)
- -> :String
Return the string representation of the cell coordinate.
Example: with row=2, column=88, __str__ will return <CellCoordinate:2,88>
- getColumn(self)
- -> :Integer
- getRow(self)
- -> :Integer
- setColumn(self, column=1)
- column:PositiveInteger ->
A KeyError is raised on bad argument.
- setRow(self, row=1)
- row:PositiveInteger ->
A KeyError is raised on bad argument.
class CellData |
Encapsulated Integer data |
- __init__(self, value=0)
- value:Integer -> -- CellData constructor.
A TypeError is raised on bad argument.
- __str__(self)
- -> :String
Return the string representation of the object value (Integer).
- getValue(self)
- -> :Integer
- setValue(self, value=0)
- value:Integer ->
A TypeError is raised on bad argument.
class SpreadsheetData |
Encapsulates a dynamically sized spreadsheet structure
containing CellData data and indexed by CellCoordinate coordinates. |
- __delitem__(self, coord)
- coord:CellCoordinate ->
Empty the cell indexed by ``coord''.
A KeyError is raised on bad coordinate.
Example use: del sd[CellCoordinate(3,4)]
- __getitem__(self, coord)
- coord:CellCoordinate -> :CellData | None
Return the content of a cell indexed by ``coord''
(return None if the cell is empty).
A KeyError is raised on bad coordinate.
Example use: sd[CellCoordinate(3,4)]
- __init__(self)
- __init__() -> -- SpreadsheetData constructor.
- __setitem__(self, coord, data)
- coord:CellCoordinate, data:CellData ->
Update the content of cell indexed by ``coord'' with ``data''.
A KeyError is raised on bad coordinate,
A TypeError is raised on bad value.
Example use: sd[CellCoordinate(3,4)] = CellData(33)
- __str__(self)
- -> :String
Return the string representation of the SpreadSheet.
This looks like a table of values with spaces for empty cells.
The row and column indexes are also shown.
- getLU(self)
- -> :CellCoordinate | None
Return a CellCoordinate containing the
Left-most non-empty column, and Upper-most non-emtpy row.
Return None in case of an empty spreadsheet
- getRB(self)
- -> :CellCoordinate | None
Return a CellCoordinate containing the Right-most non-empty column,
and Bottom-most non-emtpy row.
Return None in case of an empty spreadsheet
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