Here are a few links to some of my work:
- Early in my work I have developped a Modelling and Simulation package for
Classic Hierarchical DEVS in Python. You
can download the prototype
(.tar) and the documentation (pdf)
- I also started to work on a Modelling and Simulation package for the
Parallel-DEVS formalism, which isn't yet completed. However you can have a look
at my Structured
Set module (.py). Structured (or Multivariable) Sets are used to implement bags,
which are central to the Parallel-DEVS formalism. I also wrote a draft tutorial (.pdf)
on how to use the module, and I worked on a formal
definition (.pdf) of Structured Sets.
- I am now working mainly on the theoretical aspects of mapping ODEs onto
DEVS. More on this to come.
Objectives and Motivations
The objective is twofold:
- Design a hierarchical specification that allows simulation experiments to
be modelled, in addition to modelling the system under study.
- Provide a concrete implementation in the DEVS formalism (classic or
Here we view DEVS as a universal simulation (or execution) platform or
Virtual Machine (VM), rather than a universal modeling formalism.
The systems under study are either discrete (discrete time or
discrete event), continuous, or hybrid (contain both
discrete and continuous parts).
- Mod/Sim Entities and their Relationships
The usual focus in Mod/Sim is on models, the formalisms in which they are
described, and how to execute (simulate) them (e.g., numerical
methods for continuous models). In a complex simulation experiment (or
just experiment), the control logic is usually hard-coded.
Here we bring our focus to a higher, more abstract level: our aim is to define
an abstract syntax in which experiments can be described.
The abstract syntax defines how an experiment can be decomposed into
interconnected components. The experiment ``meta-model'' will
thus be specified in UML (or more precisely, Class Diagram [CD] and Object
Constraint Language [OCL]), which can easily express hierarchy and modularity.
Zeigler [10,7] identifies four different entities
in the Mod/Sim framework (and also discusses their relationships,
although not in the way we are interested in):
- Source System (or System) - see also [1]
- Experimental Frame
- Model
- Simulator
We will start from those entities, whose role will be specified in detail.
Other entities might also be considered (e.g., experiment control). In
this context, all entities will be viewed as (or inherit from) a common basic
Some types of experiments include (see also chapter 3 of [10] for
a review of Klir's Fundamental Systems Problems, and chapter 2
of [7]):
- Simple simulation run
- Iterated (e.g., optimization)
- Sequential
- Parallel, or cosimulation (e.g., agents)
- ...
- DEVS Implementation
To describe an actual experiment, we need on the one hand to provide a
concrete syntax, which defines how an experiment and transformations on
an experiment can be represented and manipulated in a persistent,
computer-usable format.
On the other hand, we also need to specify the semantics of an
experiment (see [8] for further details): how is it interpreted (in
the sense of meaning) and, by extension, how can it be implemented. This
will be accomplished by providing a mapping from the experiment syntax to the
DEVS formalism. The operational semantics of DEVS is well defined,
and can be described in a VM (a DEVS simulator, see next item).
In the discrete world, Balci [1] has identified four
conceptual frameworks (CF, or world view, simulation strategie,
formalism) ``under which the simulationist is guided for the development
of a simulation model'', in a High-Level Programming Language (HLPL):
- Event Scheduling,
- Activity Scanning (Two-Phase Approach),
- Three-Phase Approach,
- Process Interaction.
We can partially motivate the choice of DEVS as a target formalism by the fact
that it provides a rigorous common basis for discrete-event modeling and
simulation, by which we mean that it is possible to express in the formalism
those CF's.
More precisely, we want our target formalism to be ``low enough'' to be able to
express all types of systems to be modelled, and ``as high as possible'' to be
practical. It is our belief that the DEVS formalism offers just such a
Although continuous systems cannot be expressed in the DEVS formalism, we rely,
to solve such a system numerically, on some approximate mapping onto the
discrete domain. It thus follows that it is possible to solve (approximately) a
continuous system in DEVS. However, we would like the possibility to model
continuous systems using DEVS' inherent modularity (for
distribution/optimization, or to deal with ``black-boxes''). Because it is then
difficult to assert numerical properties of the coupledsystem (e.g.,
global error), this turns out to be a difficult problem.
An important part of the work will be concerned with that problem: how coupled
continuous models can be simulated in the DEVS formalism. We might consider
approaching approaching the problem with a time-slicing strategy.
Similar problems arise in the case of hybrid systems, which involve both
continuous and discrete systems. Another important issue in that case is that
of monitoring functions (zero-crossing detection). A good starting point
for such systems is Cellier's work [6], whose
``flowchart'' extends the event scheduling CF.
We have previously studied the so-called quantization
approach [2,4] to solve continuous systems with DEVS.
Our conclusion was that the usual discretization approach is more
A modeling and simulation package for classic hierarchical DEVS with ports has
been developed in Python [3]. This first prototype,
imaginatively called PythonDEVS, has been used extensively by
students of COMP 522A (Modelling and Simulation). It also became a target
specification for DEVS-related work in MSDL (see for instance [9,5]).
We consider building a newer version of the package, which would bring several
- better encapsulation,
- support for output translation functions,
- better API, that would allow for instance to reset an experiment,
- support for custom termination condition,
- parameterizable output format,
- possibility to save/load snapshots of a DEVS model,
- real-time capability.
It is not decided whether the new version will implement the classical
(C-DEVS) or parallel version of the formalism (P-DEVS). Considering the amount
of work that has been done using the first prototype, backward-compatibility
might be an important issue.
- [1]
Osman Balci.
The implementation of four conceptual frameworks for simulation
modeling in high-level languages.
In Michael A. Abrams, Peter L. Haigh, and John C. Comfort, editors,
Proceedings of the 1988 Winter Simulation Conference, pages 287-295,
- [2]
Jean-Sébastien Bolduc and Hans Vangheluwe.
Expressing ODE models as DEVS: Quantization approaches.
In Fernando Barros and Norbert Giambiasi, editors, Proceedings
of the AIS'2002 Conference (AI, Simulation and Planning in High Autonomy
Systems), pages 163-169. Society for Modeling and Simulation International
(SCS), april 2002.
- [3]
Jean-Sébastien Bolduc and Hans Vangheluwe.
A modeling and simulation package for classic hierarchical DEVS.
Internal document for the Modelling, Simulation and Design Lab
(MSDL), School of Computer Science, McGill University, 2002.
- [4]
Jean-Sébastien Bolduc and Hans Vangheluwe.
Mapping ODEs to DEVS: Adaptive quantization.
In Proceedings of the 2003 Summer Simulation MultiConference
(SCSC'03), pages 401-407, Montréal, Canada, july 2003.
- [5]
Spencer Borland.
Real-time pythonDEVS (pythonDEVS-RT).
Internal document for the Modelling, Simulation and Design Lab
(MSDL), School of Computer Science, McGill University, 2003.
- [6]
François E. Cellier.
Combined Continuous/Discrete System Simulation by Use of Digital
Computers: Techniques and Tools.
PhD thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH Zürich,
Switzerland, 1979.
- [7]
David J. Cloud and Larry B. Rainey, editors.
Applied Modeling and Simulation: an Integrated Approach to
Development and Operation.
Space Technology Series. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1998.
- [8]
David Harel and Bernhard Rumpe.
Modeling languages: Syntax, semantics and all that stuff - part
I: The basic stuff.
Technical Report MCS00-16, The Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot, Israel, septembre 2000.
- [9]
Ernesto Posse and Jean-Sébastien Bolduc.
Generation of DEVS modelling & simulation environments.
In Proceedings of the 2003 Summer Simulation MultiConference
(SCSC'03), Montréal, Canada, july 2003.
- [10]
Bernard P. Zeigler, Herbert Praehofer, and Tag Gon Kim.
Theory of modeling and simulation: Integrating Discrete Event
and Continuous Complex Dynamic Systems.
Academic Press, San Diego, CA, second edition, 2000.