

This is an overview of all the meetings I had with Prof. Vangheluwe or the PhD student Simon Van Mierlo. And the resume of the meeting

06/06/16 with Hans

Presentation of the project


  • Define the goals of the project.

13/06/16 with Simon

Presentation of the progress


  • download and compile the UMLDesigner code and tests it
  • create un simple plugin to say Hello
  • the plugin can display all statechart element created

TODO next week:

  • compile the UML simulator and tests it
  • define all future issues
  • define the project

17/06/16 with Simon

Presentation of the progress


  • download and compile the Simulator of Mr Teodorov
  • understanding of how the uml file is parse
  • Try to find solution about how I can create the communication between the simulator and UMLDesigner
  • I proposed many solution for the project
  • I have created a simple plugin which execute the simulator in a new process

TODO next week:

  • understanding how I can create a simulator in the plugin
  • understanding how I can change the color of one state

24/06/16 with Simon

Presentation of the progress


  • integrate the simulator in the plugin
  • the plugin works
  • the plugin permit to simulate

TODO next week:

  • add the color for the plugin
  • think about amelioration for the simulator

01/07/16 with Champeau and Teodorov

Presentation of the progress since the beginning


  • integrate the simulator in the plugin
  • integration in UML Designer of the plugin
  • the plugin can change the color of an element


I ask for some explanation at Champeau and Teodorov
  • how the simulator works
  • what they are expected for the end of my intership
  • solution to improve my work

08/07/16 with Simon

Presentation of the progress


  • visualisation of states
  • json communication
  • improve of design

TODO next week:

  • fix some bugs
  • prepare the presentation

13/07/16 with Hans/Simon/Barts/Claudio/Julien

Presentation of the progress since the begining of the project

Prospect of Improvement

  • Try SCCD
  • View multiple Instance
  • Create a Play mode

Maintained by Michael Rigaud. Last Modified: 2016/07/13 16:43:16.