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A PORT descriptor is used to
specify a port of a model. Properties of the port are written on
separate lines after the descriptor.
- The name
property specifies the GUID of a port. Every port of a model must
have a unique ID.
- The type
property specifies the type of a port. Possible values are in, out and inout.
- The buffer
property is reserved for later versions. Its may be used to
specify a queue or stack that stores the incoming messages.
Properties name and type are obligatory and must be
specified exactly once for each port. buffer is optional (not
implemented currently).
Table 4.11:
An example of the textual representation of ports
O: [EVENT(''r.f'', i)]\end{verbatim}
\end{minipage} \end{center}
\end{table}](img186.png) |
As an example, the model in Figure 4.13 is written as
Table 4.11.
Next: 4.2.11 Connections
Up: 4.2 Textual Syntax
Previous: 4.2.9 Importation
Thomas Huining Feng