Before connections can be established, servers that passively wait for incoming connection requests must be located. The name patterns or types of those servers are specified under the COMPONENT descriptor. Like the PORT descriptor, each COMPONENT descriptor is followed by the properties of a component or a group of components that matches a certain criteria:
For example, names ``model1'', ``model'' and `` model123'' match name pattern ``model[0-9]*
The name property or the type property or both must be specified for each group.
Connections are established between ports and the ports of the servers
descriptor. One or more links can be defined. The left-hand side of a
link is connected with the right-hand side with double hyphens
''). Suppose the ID of a component group is C and
the model wants to connect to port p of the group with its port
q, the link should be written as either ``q --
C.p'' or ``C.p --
As an example, suppose a server is given ID ``Server0'' and it has inout-port p, in-port q and out-port r, the model in Figure 4.14 is written as Table 4.12.