

* Reconstruction by deconstruction / annotation framework for Guitar content.
* Construction by model composition framework.
* Instructional framework (3D Hand etc).
Modeling/Metamodeling Requirements

* The system will assign a well-defined semantics to a hybrid syntax that allows intermingling of textual and visual notation.
* The system will allow for scriptability.
* Why metamodeling? SImple: Allow Operations to be parametrized not only over typename, but over the internal *structure* of the type, and the semantics of the operations allowed on the type.
* "Base Semantics" --- Traditional Object Models had a clearly defined base semantics (as also functional paradigms, with their read-eval-print base semantics). How can this be regained with the computation by transformation paradigm?
UI Requirements
Domain Specific Requirements
* The system will provide a critical mass of building blocks which can be used to build professional quality audio for atleast one genre of popular music.
Assuming the case of funk music, this will involve aggregating a collection of "lick" models which can be transformed and composed into pieces.

* WIll be limited to modeling Guitar content only.
* What will be built from scratch?
* What will be integrated from available free libraries?
* Explore acquisition of commercial components.
* Guitar portion to be covered extensively.
Other instruments to be modeled superficially for proof of concept demo.
Implementation Possibilities
* Drawing Framework + Atom3 Engine + Synthesis Virtual Machine (C++/CINT)

Maintained by Vamshi Raghu. Last Modified: 2008/09/10 00:03:05.