AbstractThesis Topic: The Design and Implementation of the μModelica Compiler Abstract: Modelica is a recently developed object-oriented language for modeling of large, complex, and heterogeneous physical systems. It is a modern language built on non-causal modeling with mathematical equations and object-oriented constructs. I have built a research prototype compiler for μModelica (a subset of Modelica) in my M.Sc. thesis. The μModelica compiler is focused on non-causal modeling, which is the real essence of Modelica. It takes textual Modelica source as input, translates it into flat Modelica, then performs a series of symbolic transformations on the differential-algebraic equations, most notably, assigning causality, and generates input suitable for processing by a numerical simulator such as Octave. For a detailed description of the design of my compiler, please refer to my thesis. Documentation
Source Code
The source code of the μModelica Compiler
(download). See the readme file (after unzip) for installation and usage. |
Maintained by Steven Xu. | Last Modified: 2008/09/10 00:03:05. |