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Removed even more code: remove all jit specific folders completely

Yentl Van Tendeloo 6 years ago

+ 0 - 46

@@ -24,52 +24,6 @@
                 if parameter.startswith('--kernel='):
                 if parameter.startswith('--kernel='):
                     kernel_opts = parameter[len('--kernel='):].split(',')
                     kernel_opts = parameter[len('--kernel='):].split(',')
-            for opt in kernel_opts:
-                if opt == 'legacy-interpreter':
-                    self.mvk = LegacyModelverseKernel(self.root)
-                elif opt == 'generated':
-                    self.mvk = GeneratedModelverseKernel(self.root)
-                elif opt == 'interpreter':
-                    self.mvk.jit.set_jit_enabled(False)
-                elif opt == 'no-thunks':
-                    self.mvk.jit.enable_thunks(False)
-                elif opt == 'thunks':
-                    self.mvk.jit.enable_thunks()
-                elif opt == 'no-source-maps':
-                    self.mvk.jit.enable_source_maps(False)
-                elif opt == 'source-maps':
-                    self.mvk.jit.enable_source_maps()
-                elif opt == 'no-insert-nops':
-                    self.mvk.jit.enable_nop_insertion(False)
-                elif opt == 'insert-nops':
-                    self.mvk.jit.enable_nop_insertion()
-                elif opt == 'trace':
-                    self.mvk.jit.enable_tracing()
-                elif opt == 'bytecode-interpreter':
-                    self.mvk.jit.set_function_body_compiler(jit.compile_function_body_interpret)
-                elif opt == 'baseline-jit':
-                    self.mvk.jit.set_function_body_compiler(jit.compile_function_body_baseline)
-                elif opt == 'fast-jit':
-                    self.mvk.jit.set_function_body_compiler(jit.compile_function_body_fast)
-                elif opt == 'adaptive-jit-favor-large-functions':
-                    self.mvk.jit.set_function_body_compiler(
-                            lambda *args: jit.compile_function_body_adaptive(
-                                *args, temperature_heuristic=jit.favor_large_functions))
-                elif opt == 'adaptive-jit-favor-small-functions':
-                    self.mvk.jit.set_function_body_compiler(
-                        lambda *args: jit.compile_function_body_adaptive(
-                            *args, temperature_heuristic=jit.favor_small_functions))
-                elif opt == 'adaptive-jit-favor-loops':
-                    self.mvk.jit.set_function_body_compiler(
-                        lambda *args: jit.compile_function_body_adaptive(
-                            *args, temperature_heuristic=jit.favor_loops))
-                elif opt == 'adaptive-jit' or opt == 'adaptive-jit-favor-small-loops':
-                    self.mvk.jit.set_function_body_compiler(
-                        lambda *args: jit.compile_function_body_adaptive(
-                            *args, temperature_heuristic=jit.favor_small_loops))
-                else:
-                    print("warning: unknown kernel option '%s'." % opt)
             self.port = int(params[0])
             self.port = int(params[0])
             self.sc_map = {}
             self.sc_map = {}

+ 0 - 3

@@ -23,11 +23,8 @@
         from modelverse_kernel.primitives import SleepKernel
         from modelverse_kernel.primitives import SleepKernel
         from modelverse_kernel.main import ModelverseKernel
         from modelverse_kernel.main import ModelverseKernel
-        from modelverse_kernel.legacy import ModelverseKernel as LegacyModelverseKernel
-        from modelverse_kernel.generated import ModelverseKernel as GeneratedModelverseKernel
         from modelverse_state.main import ModelverseState
         from modelverse_state.main import ModelverseState
         #from modelverse_state.rdf import ModelverseState
         #from modelverse_state.rdf import ModelverseState
-        import modelverse_jit.jit as jit
     <inport name="socket_in"/>
     <inport name="socket_in"/>

+ 0 - 0

+ 0 - 274

@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-import math
-import keyword
-from collections import defaultdict
-import modelverse_kernel.primitives as primitive_functions
-import modelverse_jit.runtime as jit_runtime
-# Import JitCompilationFailedException because it used to be defined
-# in this module.
-JitCompilationFailedException = jit_runtime.JitCompilationFailedException
-class ModelverseJit(object):
-    """A high-level interface to the modelverse JIT compiler."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.todo_entry_points = set()
-        self.no_jit_entry_points = set()
-        self.jitted_parameters = {}
-        self.jit_globals = {
-            'PrimitiveFinished' : primitive_functions.PrimitiveFinished,
-        }
-        # jitted_entry_points maps body ids to values in jit_globals.
-        self.jitted_entry_points = {}
-        # global_functions maps global value names to body ids.
-        self.global_functions = {}
-        # global_functions_inv maps body ids to global value names.
-        self.global_functions_inv = {}
-        # jitted_function_aliases maps body ids to known aliases.
-        self.jitted_function_aliases = defaultdict(set)
-        self.jit_count = 0
-        self.compilation_dependencies = {}
-        self.jit_enabled = True
-    def set_jit_enabled(self, is_enabled=True):
-        """Enables or disables the JIT."""
-        self.jit_enabled = is_enabled
-    def allow_direct_calls(self, is_allowed=True):
-        """Allows or disallows direct calls from jitted to jitted code."""
-        self.direct_calls_allowed = is_allowed
-    def use_input_function(self, is_enabled=True):
-        """Configures the JIT to compile 'input' instructions as function calls."""
-        self.input_function_enabled = is_enabled
-    def enable_tracing(self, is_enabled=True):
-        """Enables or disables tracing for jitted code."""
-        self.tracing_enabled = is_enabled
-    def enable_source_maps(self, is_enabled=True):
-        """Enables or disables the creation of source maps for jitted code. Source maps
-           convert lines in the generated code to debug information.
-           Source maps are enabled by default."""
-        self.source_maps_enabled = is_enabled
-    def enable_nop_insertion(self, is_enabled=True):
-        """Enables or disables nop insertion for jitted code. If enabled, the JIT will
-           insert nops at loop back-edges. Inserting nops sacrifices performance to
-           keep the jitted code from blocking the thread of execution and consuming
-           all resources; nops give the Modelverse server an opportunity to interrupt
-           the currently running code."""
-        self.nop_insertion_enabled = is_enabled
-    def set_function_body_compiler(self, compile_function_body):
-        """Sets the function that the JIT uses to compile function bodies."""
-        self.compile_function_body = compile_function_body
-    def mark_entry_point(self, body_id):
-        """Marks the node with the given identifier as a function entry point."""
-        if body_id not in self.no_jit_entry_points and body_id not in self.jitted_entry_points:
-            self.todo_entry_points.add(body_id)
-    def is_entry_point(self, body_id):
-        """Tells if the node with the given identifier is a function entry point."""
-        return body_id in self.todo_entry_points or \
-               body_id in self.no_jit_entry_points or \
-               body_id in self.jitted_entry_points
-    def is_jittable_entry_point(self, body_id):
-        """Tells if the node with the given identifier is a function entry point that
-           has not been marked as non-jittable. This only returns `True` if the JIT
-           is enabled and the function entry point has been marked jittable, or if
-           the function has already been compiled."""
-        return ((self.jit_enabled and body_id in self.todo_entry_points) or
-                self.has_compiled(body_id))
-    def has_compiled(self, body_id):
-        """Tests if the function belonging to the given body node has been compiled yet."""
-        return body_id in self.jitted_entry_points
-    def get_compiled_name(self, body_id):
-        """Gets the name of the compiled version of the given body node in the JIT
-           global state."""
-        if body_id in self.jitted_entry_points:
-            return self.jitted_entry_points[body_id]
-        else:
-            return None
-    def mark_no_jit(self, body_id):
-        """Informs the JIT that the node with the given identifier is a function entry
-           point that must never be jitted."""
-        self.no_jit_entry_points.add(body_id)
-        if body_id in self.todo_entry_points:
-            self.todo_entry_points.remove(body_id)
-    def generate_name(self, infix, suggested_name=None):
-        """Generates a new name or picks the suggested name if it is still
-           available."""
-        if suggested_name is not None \
-            and suggested_name not in self.jit_globals \
-            and not keyword.iskeyword(suggested_name):
-            self.jit_count += 1
-            return suggested_name
-        else:
-            function_name = 'jit_%s%d' % (infix, self.jit_count)
-            self.jit_count += 1
-            return function_name
-    def generate_function_name(self, body_id, suggested_name=None):
-        """Generates a new function name or picks the suggested name if it is still
-           available."""
-        if suggested_name is None:
-            suggested_name = self.get_global_name(body_id)
-        return self.generate_name('func', suggested_name)
-    def register_global(self, body_id, global_name):
-        """Associates the given body id with the given global name."""
-        self.global_functions[global_name] = body_id
-        self.global_functions_inv[body_id] = global_name
-    def get_global_name(self, body_id):
-        """Gets the name of the global function with the given body id.
-           Returns None if no known global exists with the given id."""
-        if body_id in self.global_functions_inv:
-            return self.global_functions_inv[body_id]
-        else:
-            return None
-    def get_global_body_id(self, global_name):
-        """Gets the body id of the global function with the given name.
-           Returns None if no known global exists with the given name."""
-        if global_name in self.global_functions:
-            return self.global_functions[global_name]
-        else:
-            return None
-    def register_compiled(self, body_id, compiled_function, function_name=None):
-        """Registers a compiled entry point with the JIT."""
-        # Get the function's name.
-        actual_function_name = self.generate_function_name(body_id,
-        function_name)
-        # Map the body id to the given parameter list.
-        self.jitted_entry_points[body_id] = actual_function_name
-        self.jit_globals[actual_function_name] = compiled_function
-        if function_name is not None:
-            self.register_global(body_id, function_name)
-        if body_id in self.todo_entry_points:
-            self.todo_entry_points.remove(body_id)
-    def import_value(self, value, suggested_name=None):
-        """Imports the given value into the JIT's global scope, with the given suggested name.
-           The actual name of the value (within the JIT's global scope) is returned."""
-        actual_name = self.generate_name('import', suggested_name)
-        self.jit_globals[actual_name] = value
-        return actual_name
-    def __lookup_compiled_body_impl(self, body_id):
-        """Looks up a compiled function by body id. Returns a matching function,
-           or None if no function was found."""
-        if body_id is not None and body_id in self.jitted_entry_points:
-            return self.jit_globals[self.jitted_entry_points[body_id]]
-        else:
-            return None
-    def __lookup_external_body_impl(self, global_name, body_id):
-        """Looks up an external function by global name. Returns a matching function,
-           or None if no function was found."""
-        if global_name is not None and self.compiled_function_lookup is not None:
-            result = self.compiled_function_lookup(global_name)
-            if result is not None and body_id is not None:
-                self.register_compiled(body_id, result, global_name)
-            return result
-        else:
-            return None
-    def lookup_compiled_body(self, body_id):
-        """Looks up a compiled function by body id. Returns a matching function,
-           or None if no function was found."""
-        result = self.__lookup_compiled_body_impl(body_id)
-        if result is not None:
-            return result
-        else:
-            global_name = self.get_global_name(body_id)
-            return self.__lookup_external_body_impl(global_name, body_id)
-    def lookup_compiled_function(self, global_name):
-        """Looks up a compiled function by global name. Returns a matching function,
-           or None if no function was found."""
-        body_id = self.get_global_body_id(global_name)
-        result = self.__lookup_compiled_body_impl(body_id)
-        if result is not None:
-            return result
-        else:
-            return self.__lookup_external_body_impl(global_name, body_id)
-    def jit_signature(self, body_id):
-        """Acquires the signature for the given body id node, which consists of the
-           parameter variables, parameter name and a flag that tells if the given function
-           is mutable."""
-        if body_id not in self.jitted_parameters:
-            signature_id, = yield [("RRD", [body_id, jit_runtime.FUNCTION_BODY_KEY])]
-            signature_id = signature_id[0]
-            param_set_id, is_mutable = yield [
-                ("RD", [signature_id, "params"]),
-                ("RD", [signature_id, jit_runtime.MUTABLE_FUNCTION_KEY])]
-            if param_set_id is None:
-                self.jitted_parameters[body_id] = ([], [], is_mutable)
-            else:
-                param_name_ids, = yield [("RDK", [param_set_id])]
-                param_names = yield [("RV", [n]) for n in param_name_ids]
-                #NOTE Patch up strange links...
-                param_names = [i for i in param_names if i is not None]
-                param_vars = yield [("RD", [param_set_id, k]) for k in param_names]
-                #NOTE that variables might not be in the correct order, as we just read them out!
-                lst = sorted([(name, var) for name, var in zip(param_names, param_vars)])
-                param_vars = [i[1] for i in lst]
-                param_names = [i[0] for i in lst]
-                self.jitted_parameters[body_id] = (param_vars, param_names, is_mutable)
-        raise primitive_functions.PrimitiveFinished(self.jitted_parameters[body_id])
-    def check_jittable(self, body_id, suggested_name=None):
-        """Checks if the function with the given body id is obviously non-jittable. If it's
-           non-jittable, then a `JitCompilationFailedException` exception is thrown."""
-        if body_id is None:
-            raise ValueError('body_id cannot be None: ' + suggested_name)
-        elif body_id in self.no_jit_entry_points:
-            # We're not allowed to jit this function or have tried and failed before.
-            raise JitCompilationFailedException(
-                'Cannot jit function %s at %d because it is marked non-jittable.' % (
-                    '' if suggested_name is None else "'" + suggested_name + "'",
-                    body_id))
-        elif not self.jit_enabled:
-            # We're not allowed to jit anything.
-            raise JitCompilationFailedException(
-                'Cannot jit function %s at %d because the JIT has been disabled.' % (
-                    '' if suggested_name is None else "'" + suggested_name + "'",
-                    body_id))
-    def jit_define_function(self, function_name, function_def):
-        """Converts the given tree-IR function definition to Python code, defines it,
-           and extracts the resulting function."""
-        # The comment below makes pylint shut up about our (hopefully benign) use of exec here.
-        # pylint: disable=I0011,W0122
-        if self.jit_code_log_function is not None:
-            self.jit_code_log_function(function_def)
-        # Convert the function definition to Python code, and compile it.
-        code_generator = tree_ir.PythonGenerator()
-        function_def.generate_python_def(code_generator)
-        source_map_name = self.get_source_map_name(function_name)
-        if source_map_name is not None:
-            self.jit_globals[source_map_name] = code_generator.source_map_builder.source_map
-        exec(str(code_generator), self.jit_globals)
-        # Extract the compiled function from the JIT global state.
-        return self.jit_globals[function_name]
-    def jit_delete_function(self, function_name):
-        """Deletes the function with the given function name."""
-        del self.jit_globals[function_name]

+ 0 - 53

@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-import modelverse_kernel.primitives as primitive_functions
-class JitCompilationFailedException(Exception):
-    """A type of exception that is raised when the jit fails to compile a function."""
-    pass
-"""A dictionary key for functions that are mutable."""
-"""A dictionary key for function bodies."""
-"""The name of the kwargs parameter in jitted functions."""
-CALL_FUNCTION_NAME = "__call_function"
-"""The name of the '__call_function' function, in the jitted function scope."""
-GET_INPUT_FUNCTION_NAME = "__get_input"
-"""The name of the '__get_input' function, in the jitted function scope."""
-JIT_THUNK_CONSTANT_FUNCTION_NAME = "__jit_thunk_constant_function"
-"""The name of the jit_thunk_constant_function function in the JIT's global context."""
-JIT_THUNK_GLOBAL_FUNCTION_NAME = "__jit_thunk_global"
-"""The name of the jit_thunk_global function in the JIT's global context."""
-JIT_REJIT_FUNCTION_NAME = "__jit_rejit"
-"""The name of the rejit function in the JIT's global context."""
-JIT_COMPILE_FUNCTION_BODY_FAST_FUNCTION_NAME = "__jit_compile_function_body_fast"
-"""The name of the compile_function_body_fast function in the JIT's global context."""
-"""The name of the unreachable function in the JIT's global context."""
-LOCALS_NODE_NAME = "jit_locals"
-"""The name of the node that is connected to all JIT locals in a given function call."""
-LOCALS_EDGE_NAME = "jit_locals_edge"
-"""The name of the edge that connects the LOCALS_NODE_NAME node to a user root."""
-GLOBAL_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE_FORMAT = "Not found as global: %s"
-"""The format of the 'not found as global' message. Takes a single argument."""
-BYTECODE_INTERPRETER_ORIGIN_NAME = "bytecode-interpreter"
-"""The origin name for functions that were produced by the bytecode interpreter."""
-BASELINE_JIT_ORIGIN_NAME = "baseline-jit"
-"""The origin name for functions that were produced by the baseline JIT."""
-FAST_JIT_ORIGIN_NAME = "fast-jit"
-"""The origin name for functions that were produced by the fast JIT."""

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 from modelverse_kernel.primitives import PrimitiveFinished
 from modelverse_kernel.primitives import PrimitiveFinished
-import modelverse_jit.runtime as jit_runtime
 import time
 import time
 def get_superclasses(a, b, **remainder):
 def get_superclasses(a, b, **remainder):

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 1261

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 1061

+ 4 - 56

@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 import modelverse_kernel.primitives as primitive_functions
 import modelverse_kernel.primitives as primitive_functions
 import modelverse_kernel.compiled as compiled_functions
 import modelverse_kernel.compiled as compiled_functions
 from modelverse_kernel.request_handler import RequestHandler
 from modelverse_kernel.request_handler import RequestHandler
-import modelverse_jit.jit as jit
-import modelverse_jit.runtime as jit_runtime
+import modelverse_kernel.jit as jit
 from collections import defaultdict
 from collections import defaultdict
 import sys
 import sys
 import time
 import time
@@ -32,60 +31,9 @@ class ModelverseKernel(object):
         self.allow_compiled = True
         self.allow_compiled = True
         #self.allow_compiled = False
         #self.allow_compiled = False
-        # Set `self.suggest_function_names` to True to associate global function names
-        # with their function bodies.
-        self.suggest_function_names = True
         # `self.jit` handles most JIT-related functionality.
         # `self.jit` handles most JIT-related functionality.
         self.jit = jit.ModelverseJit()
         self.jit = jit.ModelverseJit()
-        if self.allow_compiled:
-            self.jit.compiled_function_lookup = lambda func_name: \
-                getattr(compiled_functions, func_name, None)
-        # To disable the JIT, uncomment the line below:
-        #
-        #     self.jit.set_jit_enabled(False)
-        #
-        # To disable direct calls in the JIT, uncomment the line below:
-        #
-        #     self.jit.allow_direct_calls(False)
-        #
-        # To disable thunks in the JIT, uncomment the line below:
-        #
-        #     self.jit.enable_thunks(False)
-        #
-        # To make the JIT compile 'input' instructions as calls to
-        # modelverse_jit.runtime.get_input, uncomment the line below:
-        #
-        #     self.jit.use_input_function()
-        #
-        # To disable source maps in the JIT, uncomment the line below:
-        #
-        #     self.jit.enable_source_maps(False)
-        #
-        # To enable tracing in the JIT (for debugging purposes), uncomment
-        # the line below:
-        #
-        # self.jit.enable_tracing()
-        #
-        # To make the JIT print JIT successes and errors to the command-line,
-        # uncomment the line below:
-        #
-        #     self.jit.set_jit_success_log()
-        #
-        # If you want, you can use a custom logging function:
-        #
-        #     self.jit.set_jit_success_log(logging_function)
-        #
-        # To make the JIT print jitted code to the command-line, uncomment the
-        # line below:
-        #
-        # self.jit.set_jit_code_log()
-        #
-        # If you want, you can use a custom logging function:
-        #
-        #     self.jit.set_jit_code_log(logging_function)
-        #
+        self.jit.compiled_function_lookup = lambda func_name : getattr(compiled_functions, func_name, None)
         self.debug_info = defaultdict(list)
         self.debug_info = defaultdict(list)
@@ -843,7 +791,7 @@ class ModelverseKernel(object):
                 print("Globals: " + str(globs))
                 print("Globals: " + str(globs))
                 globs = yield [("RV", [i]) for i in globs]
                 globs = yield [("RV", [i]) for i in globs]
                 print("Resolved globals: " + str(globs))
                 print("Resolved globals: " + str(globs))
-                raise Exception(jit_runtime.GLOBAL_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE_FORMAT % var_name)
+                raise Exception(jit.GLOBAL_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE_FORMAT % var_name)
             # Resolved a global, so this is a string
             # Resolved a global, so this is a string
             # Potentially, this might even be a function that we have precompiled already!
             # Potentially, this might even be a function that we have precompiled already!
@@ -860,7 +808,7 @@ class ModelverseKernel(object):
             # If we're dealing with a function, then we might want to figure out what its body id
             # If we're dealing with a function, then we might want to figure out what its body id
             # is now so we can suggest a name to the JIT later.
             # is now so we can suggest a name to the JIT later.
-            if self.suggest_function_names and self.jit.get_global_body_id(var_name) is None:
+            if self.jit.get_global_body_id(var_name) is None:
                 compiler_val, = yield [("RD", [variable, "value"])]
                 compiler_val, = yield [("RD", [variable, "value"])]
                 if compiler_val is not None:
                 if compiler_val is not None:
                     compiler_body, = yield [("RD", [compiler_val, "body"])]
                     compiler_body, = yield [("RD", [compiler_val, "body"])]

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import sys
 import sys
 import modelverse_kernel.primitives as primitive_functions
 import modelverse_kernel.primitives as primitive_functions
-import modelverse_jit.runtime as jit_runtime
+import modelverse_kernel.jit as jit
 from collections import defaultdict
 from collections import defaultdict
 class KnownRequestHandled(Exception):
 class KnownRequestHandled(Exception):
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ class KnownRequestHandled(Exception):
 def format_stack_trace(stack_trace):
 def format_stack_trace(stack_trace):
     """Formats a list of (function name, debug info, origin) triples."""
     """Formats a list of (function name, debug info, origin) triples."""
-    return '\n'.join([jit_runtime.format_stack_frame(*triple) for triple in stack_trace])
+    return '\n'.join([jit.format_stack_frame(*triple) for triple in stack_trace])
 class UnhandledRequestHandlerException(Exception):
 class UnhandledRequestHandlerException(Exception):
     """The type of exception that is thrown when the request handler encounters an
     """The type of exception that is thrown when the request handler encounters an

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Generated by Statechart compiler by Glenn De Jonghe, Joeri Exelmans, Simon Van Mierlo, and Yentl Van Tendeloo (for the inspiration)
 Generated by Statechart compiler by Glenn De Jonghe, Joeri Exelmans, Simon Van Mierlo, and Yentl Van Tendeloo (for the inspiration)
-Date:   Tue Apr 24 10:04:54 2018
+Date:   Tue Apr 24 12:55:50 2018
 Model author: Yentl Van Tendeloo
 Model author: Yentl Van Tendeloo
 Model name:   MvK Server
 Model name:   MvK Server