Friday 11 May
  participants arrive

Saturday 12 May
 07:45 -- 08:45 breakfast

 08:45 -- 09:20 welcome and overview of schedule and practical issues (Hans)

 09:20 -- 12:00 self-introduction:
                name, affiliation
                what you work on now (possibly presentation)
                what you would like to work on (related to tentative topics)

                Adrien's introduction

                Romain's introduction

                Clark's introduction

                Simon's introduction

                Hans' introduction

 12:00 -- 12:30 walk to Just Grillin'

 12:30 -- 14:30 lunch @ Just Grillin'

 14:00 -- 15:30 shopping (breakfast)/swimming/work break

 15:30 -- 18:00 discuss/explore many potential topics

 18:00 -- 19:00 dinner at Bellairs

 19:00 -- 21:30 Romain's presentation on NetLogo 
                (and Gamma)

 22:00 -- 00:00 CAMPaM cocktail (and discussions)

Sunday 12 May
 08:00 -- 09:00 breakfast

 09:00 -- 12:00 work on topics

 12:00 -- 12:30 walk to Surfside

 12:30 -- 14:30 lunch @ Surfside

 14:30 -- 15:30 swimming/work break

 15:30 -- 18:00 converged on two topics:

                - adaptive abstraction in the presence of emergent behaviour: 
                  Agent Based Modelling (ABM), Cellular Automata (CA), Equation Based Modelling (EBM)

                - Statecharts + Class Diagrams (SCCD) for ABM 

 18:00 -- 19:00 dinner at Bellairs

 19:00 -- 22:00 SCCD (Statecharts + Class Diagrams) tutorial with lots of discussion

 22:00 -- 00:00 CAMPaM cocktail (and discussions)

Monday 13 May
 08:30 -- 09:30 breakfast

 09:30 -- 09:50 schedule

 09:50 -- 12:30 precise description of topics (scoping)

                - adaptive abstraction in the presence of emergent behaviour (ABM, CA, EBM)

                - SCCD for ABM 

 12:30 -- 13:00 walk to Cafe Bar Carizma

 13:00 -- 14:30 lunch @ Cafe Bar Carizma

 14:30 -- 18:00 swim // Glass Bottom Boat (fish/turtle sighting), pickup at Coral Reef Club

 17:00 -- 18:00 some participants work

 18:00 -- 19:00 dinner at Bellairs

 19:00 -- 22:00 Romain presents his tool for agent-based modelling
                Hans presents part of the Classic DEVS tutorial

 22:00 -- 00:00 CAMPaM cocktail (and discussions)

Tuesday 14 May
 08:00 -- 09:00 breakfast

 09:00 -- 12:00 work in groups

 12:00 -- 12:30 walk to 

 12:30 -- 14:00 lunch @ 

 14:00 -- 16:00 shopping (breakfast material)/swimming/work break

 16:00 -- 18:00 work in groups

 18:00 -- 19:00 dinner at Bellairs

 19:00 -- 22:00 Hans presents a-causal modelling/Modelica in context

 22:00 -- 00:00 CAMPaM cocktail (and discussions)

Wednesday 15 May
 08:00 -- 09:00 breakfast

 09:00 -- 12:00 group work

 12:00 -- 12:30 walk to Just Grillin'

 12:30 -- 14:00 lunch @ Just Grillin'

 14:00 -- 18:00 group work

 18:00 -- 18:30 admire sunset at Bellairs

 18:30 -- 20:00 groups present results + discuss

 20:30 -- 23:00 at Surfside: Godfather Bomb, Surfside Slammer, Chocolate Monkey (aka "best practice")              

Thursday 17 May
 09:00 -- 10:00 breakfast
 10:00 -- 11:00 work

 11:00 some participants travel to Crane beach and have lunch at l'Azure restaurant 
       (menu, note: no wet swimwear allowed)

 15:45 turtle sighting off Oistins pier
 16:30 travel back to Bellairs by local (orange) bus

 18:00 admire sunset at Coral Reef Club

 19:00 dinner at Sea Cat restaurant

Friday 18 May
 08:30 -- 09:30 breakfast

 vacate rooms before 11:00

 11:00 remaining participants depart for airport (and have roti 
 and/or broasted chicken at the airport Cheffette)
Maintained by Hans Vangheluwe. Last Modified: 2018/06/18 11:13:54.