DSM TP 2015
Theory and Practice
6th International Summer School
on Domain-Specific Modeling
Antwerp, Belgium
24-28 August


Prof. Vasco Amaral

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Institution: NOVA-LINCS FCT, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)

Short Bio

Dr. Amaral is an Assistant Professor at FCT/UNL and full member of the CITI (Research Center for Informatics and Information Technologies) Portuguese Research Institution.

He holds a PhD. from the University of Mannheim in Germany, worked in the past as software engineer on High Energy Physics Computing and Very Large Databases at CERN (Switzerland), DESY (Germany), and LIP (Portugal). Over the last years, he has worked on the general topic of Software Language Engineering, focused on the use of Model-Driven Development (MDD) approaches, at both the Foundations and Application level.

Dr. Amaral's research is currently focused on the topics of Verification, Model Composition and Transformations, Multi-Paradigm Modeling, DSL Engineering approaches, DSL Experimental Evaluation, and MDD education. He is the organizer of several events such as MPM@MODELS, PPPJ, INFORUM and has served in the past as part of the scientific Committee of events and journals such as ICEIS, DEXA, BIRD, ANT, ISDTA, Journal of Visual Languages Computing and MODEVVA@MODELS.

Prof. Didier Buchs

Visit Dr. Buchs' Homepage
Institution: Computer Science Department, University of Geneva (Switzerland)

Short Bio

Dr. Buchs is a Full Professor at the University of Geneva. He obtained a PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Geneva in 1989. He was a researcher at 'Laboratoire de recherche en Informatique' of University of Paris Sud (Orsay) from 1989 to 1991 and the leader of the research team working on formal methods and concurrency at University of Geneva from 1991 to 1993. He has been a 'collaborateur scientifique' at the Software Engineering Laboratory of EPFL from 1993 (Adjoint Scientifique since 1997) until 2002, developing methods and tools for distributed embedded systems.

His current interest is mostly on formal specification methods, validation techniques and testing techniques for real size distributed systems. These research topics produced a number of significant results such as the development of a specification language CO-OPN as well as its supporting environment CoopnBuilder (previously called SANDS, CoopnTools). Currently a model checker, called Alpina, for high level Petri nets is under development .

Dr. Joachim Denil

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Institution: University of Antwerp (Belgium)

Short Bio

Dr. Denil is a Post-Doc in the department of Mathematics and Computer Science and the Faculty of Applied Engineering at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). He is a member of the Modelling, Simulation and Design (MSDL) research lab where he works on the MBSE4Mechatronics research project. Joachim received his PhD from the University of Antwerp on the topic of Design, Verification and Deployment of Software-Intensive Systems: A Multi-Paradigm Modelling Approach. Joachim also worked as a post-doc at the MSDL at McGill on the NECSIS project. His main research interest is multi-paradigm modelling methods, techniques and tools for software-intensive and cyber-physical systems including design-space exploration, consistency, and virtual prototyping

Prof. Miguel Goulão

Visit Dr. Goulão's Homepage
Institution: NOVA-LINCS, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)

Short Bio

Miguel Goulão received his PhD degree from Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT/UNL), in 2008. He is an Assistant Professor of the Informatics Department of FCT/UNL. He conducts his research in the Nova LINCS research center. He has 20 years of experience with Experimental Software Engineering (ESE) and its applications to several Software Engineering areas. Miguel has been applying ESE to evaluate claims on Object-Oriented Design, Software Process Improvement, Software Evolution and Reengineering, Component-Based Software Engineering, and, more recently, in Requirements Engineering and Software Languages Engineering. Miguel is currently focusing his research on how complexity affects the usability of software development languages, namely requirements engineering and domain specific languages. Miguel has published over 50 papers in peer reviewed international journals, conferences, and workshops, and served as PC member on several occasions. He also served as General Chair of SEDES'2012, PC Chair of ESELAW2015, PC Co-Chair of QUATIC’2004 and QUATIC’2010, as organizing co-chair of QUATIC’2007, and as member of the organizing committee of CSMR’2001 and UML’2004. He was a co-author of the paper receiving the best paper award in CAiSE 2014, and of the paper receiving the János Szentes Award for the best paper on Software Metrics presented at the 6th European Conference on Software Quality, in 1999.

Prof. Thomas Kühne

Visit Dr. Kühne's Homepage
Institution: School of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Wellington (New Zealand)

Short Bio

Dr. Kühne has been an Associate Professor at the Victoria University of Wellington since 2007. Before that he was an Assistant Professor at the Technische Universität Darmstadt, an Acting Professor at the Software Engineering Department of the University of Mannheim and the Technische Universität Darmstadt, a researcher at the University of Kaiserslautern and a Lecturer in Computing at Staffordshire University. Thomas' research interests include object-technology, programming languages, component architectures, (meta-) modelling, and model-driven development. Among several other recent highlights activities, Thomas is a co-editor of the SoSyM Theme Issue on Multi-level Modeling and was editor for the SoSyM Theme Issue on Metamodeling for the Springer Verlag journal Software and Systems Modeling, is a co-organiser of the international "MULTI" workshops at MODELS, was in 2011 the organizer of MODELS 2011, and was PC chair (foundations track) for ECMFA 2010. Thomas was author of several papers among which, the well known in the MDD community "Matters of (Meta-)Modeling" Journal on Software and Systems Modeling, in 2006.

Dr. Arjan Mooij

Visit Dr. Mooij's Homepage
Institution: Embedded Systems Innovation by TNO (The Netherlands)

Short Bio

Dr. Mooij is a Research Fellow at the "Embedded Systems Innovation" (ESI) research group of TNO (The Netherlands), where he focuses on model-based software construction. His research interests include modeling, formal methods and software technology (including Domain Specific Languages). In his research projects he collaborates with industrial partners such as Thales, FEI and Philips Healthcare.

Before joining ESI, Arjan worked for several years as an academic researcher, at the School of Computer Science in the University of Nottingham (UK), and at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in Eindhoven University of Technology (The Netherlands).

Dr. Bernhard Schätz

Visit Dr. Schätz's Homepage
Institution: Institut für Informatik Technische Universität München, Germany and fortiss

Short Bio

Bernhard Schätz received his Ph.D. and Habilitation degree in Informatics from the Technische Unversität München. At the fortiss Transfer Institute associated with the Technische Universität München, he leads the research department “Software & Systems Engineering” with the fields of Analysis and Design of Dependable Systems, Optimized Design Space Exploration, Model-Based Engineering Tools, with Smart Grid, Automotive, and Automation as fields of application. Besides his scientific activities, he acts as Lecturer at the Technische Unversität München, he is co-founder and member of the advisory board of the Validas AG, and works as a consultant (incl. BMW, Bosch, Eurocopter) in the field of Software and Systems Engineering.

Prof. Eugene Syriani

Visit Dr. Syriani's Homepage
Institution: Université de Montréal

Short Bio

Dr. Syriani is I an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Montreal. He is a member of the GEODES Software Engineering Research Group. Until 2014, he was an Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama. His main research interests are in model-based design, in particular model transformation design and verification, model-driven methodology, simulation-based design, and application of MDE in non-computer science domains. He serves on the program committee and organizes several international conferences and workshops.

Prof. Hans Vangheluwe

Visit Dr. Vangheluwe's Homepage
Institutions: University of Antwerp (Belgium) and McGill University, Montréal (Canada)

Short Bio

Dr. Vangheluwe is a Full Professor in the department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Antwerp (Belgium), an Adjunct Professor in the School of Computer Science at McGill University (Canada) and an Adjunct Professor at the National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) in Changsha, China. He heads the Modelling, Simulation and Design (MSDL) research lab.

He has been the Principal Investigator of a number of research projects focused on the development of a multi-formalism theory and enabling technology for Modelling and Simulation. Some of this work has led to the WEST++ tool, which was commercialised for use in the design and optimization of bioactivated sludge Waste Water Treatment Plants.

He was the co-founder and coordinator of the European Union's ESPRIT Basic Research Working Group 8467 ``Simulation in Europe'', a founding member of the Modelica Design Team, and currently the chair of COST Action IC1404 Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS). He is an advisor to national and international granting agencies in Europe and North America.

In a variety of projects, often with industrial partners, he develops and applies the model-based theory and techniques of Multi-Paradigm Modelling (MPM). His current interests are in domain-specific modelling and simulation, including the development of graphical user interfaces for multiple platforms. The MSDL's tool AToMPM (A Tool for Multi-Paradigm Modelling), developed in collaboration with Prof. Eugene Syriani uses meta-modelling and graph transformation to specify and generate domain-specific environments. Recently, he has been active in the design of Automotive applications.

Prof. Dániel Varró

Visit Dr. Varró's Homepage
Institution: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Short Bio

Dr. Varró is a Full Professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. His main research interest is model-driven systems and services engineering with special focus on model transformations.

He regularly serves on the programme committee of various international conferences in the field like MODELS, ASE, FASE and ICMT and serves on the editorial board of the Software and Systems Modeling journal (Springer). He is a programme committee co-chair of FASE 2013 and ICMT 2014 conferences. He delivered a keynote talk at IEEE CSMR 2012 conference and at various international workshops (recently, VOLT 2013, GT-VMT 2014). He is a founder of the VIATRA2 model transformation tool and the EMF-IncQuery framework, and the principal investigator at his university of the SENSORIA, DIANA, SecureChange and MONDO European Projects. He is a three time recipient of the IBM Faculty Award. Previously, he was a visiting researcher at SRI International, at the University of Paderborn and twice at TU Berlin. In 2014, he was a visiting professor at McGill University and Université de Montréal.

Prof. Andrzej Wąsowski

Visit Dr. Wąsowski's Homepage
Institution: IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Short Bio

Dr. Wąsowski is an Associate Professor Professor in Process and System Models Group at the IT University of Copenhagen. Earlier, he worked also at Aalborg University in Denmark, and as visiting professor at INRIA Rennes and University of Waterloo, Ontario. His interests are in semantic foundations and tool support for model-driven development, especially for software product lines and component-based systems. Many of these projects involve commercial or open-source partners, primarily in the domain of safety-critical embedded systems. Wąsowski holds a PhD degree from the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark (2005) and a MSC Eng degree from the Warsaw University of Technology, Poland (2000). He is a recipient of the Sapere Aude research leadership award from The Danish Council for Independent Research (2012).

Project support

David Lawrence

Institution: Computer Science Department, University of Geneva (Switzerland)

Short Bio

David Lawrence is a PhD student and teaching assistant in the department of Computer Science at the University of Geneva. Moreover, he is a member of the Software Modeling and Verification group (SMV) located at the University of Geneva.

In his master thesis, he studied an embedded software verification technique. In this approach, dynamic testing is performed on a system by using software instrumentation to improve the observability and the development board as a testing environment. The latter master thesis was performed in collaboration with Honeywell International Sarl.

Performing his PhD with Honeywell International Sarl as well, he takes strong interests in tests generation and embedded/cyber-physical systems modeling.

Bart Meyers

Visit Bart Meyers' Homepage
Institution: University of Antwerp (Belgium)

Short Bio

Bart Meyers is a PhD student and teaching assistant in the department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). He is a member of the Modelling, Simulation and Design (MSDL) research lab.

Bart's research interests are in the field of language engineering in the context of domain-specific modeling. More specifically, he investigates the composition and the evolution of modeling languages, and automatic support for verification for domain-specific modeling languages.

Simon Van Mierlo

Visit Simon Van Mierlo's Homepage
Institution: University of Antwerp (Belgium)

Short Bio

Simon Van Mierlo is a PhD student in the department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). He is a member of the Modelling, Simulation and Design (MSDL) research lab.

In his master thesis, he worked on the evolution of modelling languages, developing a co-evolution technique applicable on models and transformations using model transformations, in particular higher-order transformations. He is currently continuing his work on modelling language engineering as the developer of a new metamodelling framework called the Modelverse.

The topic of his PhD is the explicit modelling of model debugging and experimentation. The goal of the project is to develop debugging environments for a number of well-known formalisms, and combinations of formalisms, by explicitly modelling the environment as a Statechart.

Yentl Van Tendeloo

Visit Yentl Van Tendeloo's Homepage
Institution: University of Antwerp (Belgium)

Short Bio

Yentl Van Tendeloo is a PhD student in the department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). He is a member of the Modelling, Simulation and Design (MSDL) research lab.

He extended MSDL's PythonPDEVS simulator with distributed simulation algorithms, inclusion of domain-specific hints in the models, efficient simulation algorithms and added support for activity tracking.

His current research interests are in supporting a distributed implementation of the ModelVerse: a conceptual framework and a repository of multi-paradigm models.

Maintained by Hans Vangheluwe. Last Modified: 2015/08/21 11:42:50.