LecturersProf. Vasco AmaralVisit Dr. Amaral's Homepage Short BioVasco Amaral is an Assistant Professor at FCT Universidade NOVA de Lisboa and integrated member of the NOVA LINCS ( NOVA Laboratory for Computer Science and Informatics). Vasco is currently affiliated as a senior member of IEEE and the Portuguese Ordem dos Engenheiros. He holds a PhD. from the University of Mannheim in Germany. Before that, he has worked as Software Engineer, and research collaborator, on High Energy Physics Computing and Very Large Databases at CERN (Switzerland), DESY (Germany), and LIP (Portugal). Over the last years, he has worked on the topic of Software Language Engineering, and he has focused on the use of Model-Driven Development (MDD) approaches, at both the Foundations and Application level. He is currently interested in finding systematic, automatic and robust approaches to conceiving Modeling Languages to support Software Development. He has produced contributions in Model Composition, Model Transformations (tool DSLTrans), Multi-Paradigm Modeling, DSL Engineering approaches, DSL Quality, and MDD education. Among more than 50 publications in reputed journals and conferences, he serves as guest editor or reviewer of journals like SoSym, SQJ, IST, JVL, COMLAN, COMSIS. He is vice-chair of the European COST action MPM4CPS (Multiparadigm Modeling of Cyberphysical Systems) and co-organizer of the International DSM-TP Summer School. Dr. Kacper BąkVisit Dr. Kacper Bak's Homepage Short BioKacper Bak is a Senior Software Engineer at MathWorks. He is interested in bringing software research, model-based software development, and functional programming into practice. He is developing a meta-modeling infrastructure and diagram editors for MATLAB and Simulink. Before joining the industry, he received a PhD degree at the University of Waterloo (2013). For his thesis, he designed and developed Clafer, a language for modeling and analyses of software product line variability. He also contributed to the specification of the OMG Common Variability Language standard proposal, and worked on example-driven modeling, an approach that systematically uses explicit examples for eliciting, modeling, verifying, and validating complex business knowledge. Dr. Francis BordeleauVisit Dr. Bordeleau's Homepage Short BioFrancis Bordeleau is co-Founder and CEO of CMind. He is responsible for overall corporate strategy and product management. He has over 25 years of experience in software and model-based engineering (MBE); researching, working, consulting, and collaborating with companies worldwide. Prior to co-founding CMind, he was Product Manager of SW Development at Ericsson (2013-2017), where he was responsible for MBE, and Chairman of the Eclipse Papyrus Industry Consortium; Founder and CEO of Zeligsoft (2003-2013); Director of Tooling Business for PrismTech (2010-2013); and Assistant Professor at the School of Computer Science of Carleton University (1997-2006). Francis holds a Ph.D. from Carleton University (1999). Martin PaquinShort BioMartin Paquin has 25 years experience in software development. He is currently the Java lead engineer at Fresche Legacy where legacy application are modernized to Java-based web applications. In the past year, he has started to automate the modernization process using model-driven engineering and domain-specific modeling. Bran SelicVisit Bran Selic's Homepage Short BioBran Selic is President of Malina Software Corp., a Canadian company that provides consulting services to corporate clients and government institutions worldwide. He is also Director of Advanced Technology at Zeligsoft Limited in Canada and a Visiting Scientist at Simula Research Laboratories in Norway. On the academic side, he is an adjunct at the University of Sydney in Australia and a lecturer at INSA University in Lyon, France. With over 40 years of practical experience in designing and implementing large-scale industrial software systems, Bran has pioneered the application of model-based engineering methods in real-time and embedded applications and has led the definition and adoption of several international standards in that domain including the widely used Unified Modeling Language (UML). Prof. Eugene SyrianiVisit Dr. Syriani's Homepage Short BioDr. Syriani is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Montreal. He leads the GEODES Software Engineering Research Group. He was formerly an assistant professor at the University of Alabama until 2014. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2011 and a B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science in 2006 at McGill University. Affiliated to McGill, he also pursued postdoctoral research on model transformation in the Canada-wide NECSIS project on model-driven engineering for automotive systems. His main research interests are in model-based design in general. His major contributions are in the design and verification of model transformation and collaborative modeling. He is the co-leading the research and development team of the modeling tool AToMPM which implements most of the results. He is also the principal investigator of R&D projects on legacy software modernization, and collaborative modeling across different domains of expertise. His other research interests are in simulation-based design, code generation and deployment of large applications. He serves on the program committee and organizes several international events. He is also a reviewer for major journals in software engineering, modeling, and simulation. Prof. Hans VangheluweVisit Dr. Vangheluwe's Homepage Short BioDr. Vangheluwe is a Full Professor in the department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Antwerp (Belgium), an Adjunct Professor in the School of Computer Science at McGill University (Canada) and an Adjunct Professor at the National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) in Changsha, China. He heads the Modelling, Simulation and Design (MSDL) research lab. He has been the Principal Investigator of a number of research projects focused on the development of a multi-formalism theory and enabling technology for Modelling and Simulation. Some of this work has led to the WEST++ tool, which was commercialised for use in the design and optimization of bioactivated sludge Waste Water Treatment Plants. He was the co-founder and coordinator of the European Union's ESPRIT Basic Research Working Group 8467 ``Simulation in Europe'', a founding member of the Modelica Design Team, and currently the chair of COST Action IC1404 Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems (MPM4CPS). He is an advisor to national and international granting agencies in Europe and North America. In a variety of projects, often with industrial partners, he develops and applies the model-based theory and techniques of Multi-Paradigm Modelling (MPM). His current interests are in domain-specific modelling and simulation, including the development of graphical user interfaces for multiple platforms. The MSDL's tool AToMPM (A Tool for Multi-Paradigm Modelling), developed in collaboration with Prof. Eugene Syriani uses meta-modelling and graph transformation to specify and generate domain-specific environments. As an associate lab of Flanders Make, the MSDL works on methods, techniques and tools for mechatronics and Cyber-Physical products and production. Prof. Dániel VarróVisit Dr. Varró's Homepage Short BioDr. Varró is a Full Professor at McGill University and at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and a Research Chair of MTA-BME Lendület Research Group on Cyber-Physical Systems. His main research interest is model-driven systems and services engineering with special focus on model transformations. He regularly serves on the programme committee of various international conferences in the field such as MODELS, ASE, FASE and ICMT and serves on the editorial board of the Software and Systems Modeling journal (Springer). He is a programme committee co-chair of FASE 2013 and ICMT 2014 conferences. He delivered a keynote talk at IEEE CSMR 2012 conference and at various international workshops (recently, VOLT 2013, GT-VMT 2014). He is a founder of the VIATRA2 model transformation tool and the EMF-IncQuery framework, and the principal investigator at his university of the SENSORIA, DIANA, SecureChange and MONDO European Projects. He is a three time recipient of the IBM Faculty Award. Previously, he was a visiting researcher at SRI International, at the University of Paderborn and twice at TU Berlin. In 2014, he was a visiting professor at McGill University and Université de Montréal. He is a co-founder of IncQuery Labs Ltd. Project supportVasco Sousa
Visit Vasco Sousa's Homepage Short BioVasco Sousa is a Ph.D. student in the department of Computer Science and Operational Research, at the University of Montreal. He is a member of the GEODES software engineering research and the Software Modeling and Simulation (SMS) team. He has a Master Degree from Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT-UNL)(Portugal). His thesis, focused on the implementation and semantics specification of a user interface description language for highly complex systems (HALL), including a formal evaluation of the model transformations used in the semantic specification. Currently he focuses on the explicit description of user interaction in domain specific modeling environments, and how to integrate this description in modeling environment creation. Part of the research effort on Domain Specific Modeling since 2007, with both academic and industry project contributions. Has coordinated software engineering and multimedia students in using MDE tools at FCT-UNL; worked as a research developer at the University of Luxembourg, in SPLIT an aspect model weaving in software product line project; worked as a consulting intern at Fresche Legacy, helping the company adopt MDE and in creating a DSL to facilitate legacy systems migration. Is a collaborator of DSM-TP since its inception, participating as instructor on editor creation and model transformations in three of its installments. Simon Van MierloVisit Simon Van Mierlo's Homepage Short BioSimon Van Mierlo is a Ph.D. student in the department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Antwerp (Belgium). He is a member of the Modelling, Simulation and Design (MSDL) research lab. He obtained his master degree in 2013. For his master thesis, he worked on the evolution of modelling languages, developing a co-evolution technique applicable on models and transformations using model transformations, in particular higher-order transformations. The topic of his Ph.D. thesis is the explicit modelling of model debugging and experimentation. The goal of the project is to develop techniques for adding debugging support to modelling languages with varying semantics (non-determinism, concurrency, timing, etc.) by instrumenting their simulators and (visual) modelling/simulation environments. To achieve this, the (real-time) behavior of the simulators and environments are explicitly modelled using Statecharts. |
Maintained by Eugene Syriani. | Last Modified: 2016/10/24 16:19:45 |