Thesis Pictures

A number of pictures can be found in my M.Sc. thesis: Graph Layout for Domain-Specific Modeling

Printable single-sided version

Printable double-sided version

Lyx/Latex source code and EPS images

AToM3 Layout Pictures

Car Assembly Model (imported as a generic foramlism)

The following is a car assembly model created in MatLab simulink. The model was imported into AToM3 and then layout was performed. The model contains over 100 nodes and edges. Note that Tree-like, Force-Transfer, and QOCA are not shown since they cannot provide a decent layout for this type of graph.

Manual layout of the model inside MatLab

Layered drawing of the model inside AToM3. Note: Minimum width layering and aggressive crossing reduction was used.

Spring-embedder drawing of the model inside AToM3

Circle drawing of the model inside AToM3

Digital Watch in Class Diagram formalism

Tree-like and then Spring layout was used. The resulting symmetrical look is as appealing as it was unexpected (Tree-like was used by accident).

EPS version

Layered layout (equivelent to Tree-like for this model)

EPS version

Circle then Spring then FTA layout (generally dependable for a readable yet very compact layout)

EPS version

DChartsV3 meta-model in Class Diagram formalism

Note: Layered layout resulted in very poor area usage with this model (not shown)

Also: FTA is used to remove overlaps that tend to occur when doing layout on large odd size vertices.

Tree-like then FTA layout

EPS version

Spring then FTA layout

EPS version

Circle then Spring then FTA layout (generally dependable for a readable yet very compact layout)

EPS version

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Maintained by Denis Dube. Last Modified: 2008/09/10 00:03:05.