

This is an overview of all the meetings I had with Prof. Vangheluwe.


Progress + further clarification of how actor model will serve as inspiration.


  • Our formalism will support Design-by-Contract. Read on how this is done in the Eiffel programming language.

Introduction of proposed formalism to Bart Meyers and Simon Van Mierlo.


  • Extend report such that it is readable for someone with no background in MDE.
  • In the end, report should be a very precise specification (with many examples) of the resulting compiler. Specification will get transformed into tests.

Further clarification of topics and the way they “connect”.


  • Give a brief summary of Composed Hierarchical Transition System (CHTS) presented in Day & Atlee's paper, explaining the terminology ("What is a CHTS?", "What is a big step?", etc.).
  • Create a human-readable description of the SCXML + Statecharts combined modeling language, by investigating the required (and allowed) semantic options in the context/terminology of Day & Atlee's paper.
  • Explain how we can reason about our models as a case of the actor model (see Hewitt).

Introduction to internship & thesis subjects.


  • Create mindmap using the FreeMind tool
  • Start reading material:
    • Thomas Feng's thesis
    • Day & Atlee
    • Hewitt & Agha (on Actor model)
    • SCXML format

Maintained by Joeri Exelmans. Last Modified: 2019/10/28 15:42:39.