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2.3 A Comprehensive Diagnosis Scheme

Instead of just providing nominal values, the state estimation scheme can be used for diagnosis by reconstructing the entire set of states of the process if the process parameters have been estimated precisely. The reconstructed results are then compared and the set of most consistent states is chosen as the best estimate. This set can then be used to generate residuals based on the actual observations to detect whether a fault occurred.

To identify faults, the set of system equations are modified so that the three basic types of faults listed below can be explicitly identified as parameters and terms of the equations:

By explicitly incorporating these faults into the parameters of system equations as part of the observer system, diagnosis algorithms can be designed to detect and isolate faults. A unifying representation, in discrete form, is given by

(1) displaymath953

where tex2html_wrap_inline944 represents a disturbance term due to noise, and tex2html_wrap_inline946 represents the effects introduced by the fault term. Entries of tex2html_wrap_inline948 can be used to model actuator and component faults and entries of tex2html_wrap_inline950 can be used to model sensor faults [6].

State estimation requires parameter estimation to determine precise models of the process under scrutiny. Like state estimation schemes, diagnosis schemes can be based on parameter estimation techniques. The advantage of these schemes is the close relation between estimated values and physical coefficients. Given that nominal values can be derived from state estimation schemes or from design documents, comprehensive diagnosis can proceed by performing one or several of the following techniques (Fig. 3):

Note that the techniques described above are not mutually exclusive. Any of these methods can be effectively developed into a diagnosis system. However, developing a diagnosis framework that integrates two or more of these approaches is likely to produce more efficient and robust systems. It remains a challenge to see how best to develop such systems.

Figure 3: Complementary diagnosis schemes.

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Pieter J. Mosterman
Tue Jul 15 11:26:35 CDT 1997