Browse CVS
I am constantly laboring on my multiple research projects and may not be able to update the research webpage very quickly. For a quick view at what I have done and what I am doing in the past few days, please browse my CVS repository, which is hosted by Savannah.
Starting from UML basics
An implementation of UML statecharts
UML Implementation
SCC (StateChart Compiler) v0.1 preview
SVM (Statechart Virtual Machine) and SCC (StateChart Compiler) 0.3beta3 released
SVMDCP (SVM Distributed CheckPointing)
Timewarp Discussion on SVM 0.3
Presentation: A Case Study: Consistency Problems in a UML Model of a Chat Room, presented at UML 2003 (PDF, HTML)
Presentation: SVM: A Virtual Machine Supporting Multiple Statechart Extensions, presented at SCSC 2003 (PDF, HTML)
Presentation: Component-based Chat Room Development in SVM, presented at Computer Science Colloquium, Old Dominion University (PDF, HTML)
Action Semantics
Presentation: Action Semantics for an Executable UML (PDF, HTML)
Presentation: Implementing the Model Communication -- DEVS and Statechart (PDF, HTML)
Article: Action Semantics for an Executable UML (PDF, PS, HTML)
Presentation: Fnorb: a CORBA 2.0 ORB for Python (PDF, HTML)
Maintained by Thomas Feng, Winter 2002