The diagnosis methodology based on a qualitative reasoning framework incorporates three primary tasks: (i) initial fault implications from observed deviations, (ii) prediction of observed behaviors for hypothesized faults, and (iii) monitoring to refine the hypothesized fault set [6, 9, 7].
A first step in fault isolation is to detect when observations deviate from their nominal values. Nominal values are typically available from design documents, operators manuals, or simulation models, and depending on the nature and quality of the sensor, a measurement is reported to be deviant (above or below normal) if its percentage deviation is greater than 2-5% of the nominal value. Typically, deviations are recorded in terms of their magnitude and slope changes in dynamic systems [1, 6].
As discussed earlier, continued monitoring of the actual magnitude deviations and slopes of observations is then used to prune the hypothesis space. To this end, future behavior of the system for each of these parameter deviations is predicted in qualitative terms of their time-derivative changes. Predicted effects of deviations can often be of or higher order, depending on the number of energy storage elements in the system [6]. Typically, measuring higher order derivatives is unrealistic, especially in noisy environments [1]. In previous work, we have discussed an innovative scheme, called progressive monitoring, where higher order derivatives are propagated down to slope and magnitude changes for observations to predict their future behaviors.
Our system model for diagnosis analysis is a temporal causal graph, derived from a bond graph model [9, 7]. This graph captures relations between system variables, which are typically effort and flow variables. Relations capture instantaneous magnitude relations expressed in terms of component parameter values, and temporal effects (dt relations) introduced by energy storage elements which eliminates problems with feedback loops in physical systems. As an example, consider the bi-tank system in Fig. 1 and its temporal causal graph in Fig. 2. The inflow affects the total inflow, , into tank 1 with capacity in direct proportionality. The outflow on the left of equals the flow through , , which affects in inverse proportionality. The outflow, , on the right of , equals the flow, , through inversely related to . This is indicated by a -1 sign on the edge. The net flow into is related to the amount of stored liquid in the tank based on an integrating relation, which appears as the relation between the pressure and flow as a time-derivative effect, .
Figure 2: Temporal causal graph of the bi-tank.
Details of the algorithms that are outlined next appear in [9].