self-intro, workshop topics, criteria for success 
A bit of publicity: related workshops: MPM, AMT, Volt, MOTPW, ...

 Frédéric Boulanger [presentation]

  topics for discussion:
   * modular design of modelling languages
   * multi-purpose modelling language definition

  criteria for success: 
   * have a nice week
   * create connections between teams working on similar topics
   * start new projects
   * publish joint papers

 Antonio Cicchetti [presentation]

  topics for discussion:
   * model (co-)evolution
   * multi-view and separation of concerns based modelling
   * deployment space exploration
   * multiple targets for generation

  criteria for success: 
   * joint papers
   * project proposals

 Joachim Denil [presentation]

  topics for discussion:
   * deployment-space exploration
     - transformation language for DSE
     - link with T-Core
   * calibration of WCET from Statecharts
  criteria for success: 
   * in-depth into a topic (plan for paper, plan for prototype)
   * learning exciting new stuff

 Romuald Deshayes [presentation]

  topics for discussion:
   * How should interactive applications using non-classical (e.g. gestural, vocal, tacticle) 
     user interfaces be modeled in such a way that the interactive behaviour is easy to specify 
     at a high level of abstraction while still being executable?
   * Which formalisms are most appropriate to model the user interaction (think wii, kinect and 
     sililar or more advanced stuff) with graphical 3D applications? Statecharts? Petri nets? 
     How should such discrete formalisms be combined with the continuous behaviour of the physics 
     engines used in these applications?

  criteria for success: 
   * see how formalisms can be combined for HCI
   * take existing "hard coded" example and convert it to models

 Juergen Dingel [presentation]

  topics for discussion:
   * (design of) (domain-specific) model transformation languages
   * analysis of model transformations
     - underlying theory (properties hold by construction)
     - tooling (generated)
   * specification of (properties of) model transformations

  criteria for success: 
   * flexible

 Cécile Hardebolle 

  See Frédéric Boulanger

 Christophe Jacquet 

  See Frédéric Boulanger

 Leen Lambers [presentation]

  topics for discussion:
   * role of and challenges for model transformation in multi-paradigm modeling
   * analysis of model transformations / property specification

  criteria for success: 
   * knowledge exchange w.r.t above topics
   * problem identification + brainstorming w.r.t above topics

 Xue Liu [presentation]

  topics for discussion:
   * coherent modelling of cyber and physical aspects of CPS
   * co-simulation of Cyber and Physical in CPS
   * analysis ans control of CPS

  criteria for success: 
   * learn about foundations, tools, case studies, challenges, ...
   * apply MPM in CPS research
   * find new collaborations

 Levi Lucio [presentation]

  topics for discussion:

  * Model transformation verification

  criteria for success: 

  * Better understanding of the nature of the verification of Model Transformations according 
    to three dimensions (and their relations):
     - Transformations
     - Properties
     - Proof techniques
  * Conceive a better (larger) experimental approach to its study
  * Study some particular techniques for doing so (c.f. Joachim)
  * Start a paper on the topic

 Bart Meyers [presentation]

  topics for discussion:
   * Domain-specific visual languages for properties
   * Modular design of domain-specific visual languages

  criteria for success: 
   * In-depth investigation that can lead to a paper

 Tom Mens [presentation]

  topics for discussion:
   * How should interactive applications using non-classical (e.g. gestural, vocal, tacticle) user interfaces 
     be modeled in such a way that the interactive behaviour is easy to specify at a high level of 
     abstraction while still being executable?
   * Which formalisms are most appropriate to model the user interaction (think wii, kinect 
     and sililar or more advanced stuff) with graphical 3D applications? 
     Statecharts? Petri nets? How should such discrete formalisms be combined 
     with the continuous behaviour of the physics engines used in these applications?

  criteria for success: 
   * Finding other participants to the workshop that are interested in this topic 
     and willing to collaborate with us on it.
   * joint papers/drinks/...

 Pieter Mosterman

  topics for discussion:
   * languages for modelling properties
   * requirements
   * state (explicit, implicit)
   * how to deal with complexity? divide and conquer, separation of concern, ...
   * abstraction/approximation
   * design space exploration
   * structure of time

  criteria for success: 
   * success, understanding, insight, memory 

 Magnus Persson [presentation]

  topics for discussion:
   * multi-view, multi-criteria, rchitecture exploration for distributed embedded systems 
    (including automotive, safety-critical and/or real-time ones)
   * "Sound" modularization of meta-models and component models 
    (with the main purpose of promoting reusability of information between models of 
    the same component built in different formalisms and/or tools).

  criteria for success: 
   * Larger degree of understanding of our topics (or at the very least: 
     just as much or even more confusion, but at a higher level)
   * Leading to joint publications (either on found solutions or 
     on explaining which really are the relevant research challenges in the area(s)

 Arend Rensink [presentation]

  topics for discussion:
   * is semantic preservation achievable
   * how well does graph-based model checking fit into model transformation?

  criteria for success: 
   * new nails

 Rick Salay [presentation]

  topics for discussion:
   * formally characterizing level so abstraction
   * how to enrich an arbitrary modeling language in a systematic way?
   * defining an "upper ontology"

  criteria for success: 
   * connections between teams
   * defining joint theory
   * joint papers

 Eugene Syriani [presentation to be uploaded]

  topics for discussion:
   * Model transformation verification, design, and execution
   * Application of model transformation / MDE in non CS domains
   * Model-driven methodology, formal development process

  criteria for success: 
   * Elaboration of a publishable paper
   * Learn insights from different application domain (since we are "multi-paradigm")

 Hans Vangheluwe

  topics for discussion:
   * union of all

  criteria for success: 
   * maximize satisfaction of criteria for success of all participants

 Manuel Wimmer [presentation]        

  topics for discussion:
   * Qualtiy of Model Transformations (including Specification, Testing, Verification, etc.)
   * Systematic development of model transformations 
     (reduce, reuse, combine existing languages or aspects of languages)

  criteria for success: 
   * Information exchange with people working on similar topics
   * Learn how MDE/MPM is used for systems going beyond software
   * Find/work on joint publication possibilities (also considering long term collaborations)
 Haibo Zeng [presentation]

  topics for discussion:
   * Modeling Deployment
     - How to choose the modeling languages for
       + Architecture Platforms Description
       + Design Constraint Description
       + Cost Description
       + Mapping/Deployment Description

   * Model Transformation
     - Whether/how transformation-based modeling infrastructure can support deployment space exploration
       + refine the pure functional models to deployed ones
       + produce models at the same level of abstraction
     - to evaluating the feasibility and/or fitness of a deployment candidate.
       + backtrack from a refined deployment candidate to a coarser level one
       + How to support the plugging of legacy algorithms
       + deployment candidate generation
       + selection of optimal deployment candidates

  criteria for success: 
   * Discuss and understand better on possibility of transformation-based deployment space exploration
Maintained by Hans Vangheluwe. Last Modified: 2012/05/03 04:16:25.